Knives and pens

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As I was getting off the plane I glanced around for Justin since he said he would pick me up from the airport, But he was no where to be seen.

After an hour of looking for him, I decided to just take a cab back to our apartment.

After a very long and uncomfortable ride we finally arrived. I paid the cab driver and proceeded inside.

Upon walking into the apartment the first thing I could hear was very loud, very female moaning from upstairs, and I got instantly pissed.

Yes I may have kissed Ashley so I shouldn't be mad. Knowing neither of us wanted to be together we still made a promise to each other that until we finally got the divorce we wouldn't have sex with any one else, and we would never bring them to the apartment where we both still lived.

Instead of making a huge scene I calmly walked over to the island in the kitchen, grabbed a pen and paper and wrote Justin a note.

****Justin's P.O.V****

(The day before Amber Got Home)

It was eleven at night and I was so tired of sitting at home.

I texted my best friend Seth and told him to meet me at 'The Lucky shoe' A bar not to far away from here.

(Two Hours Later)

I was dancing with this blonde haired girl whom I found out was named Jessi when Seth came up to me to tell me he was leaving since he had work the next day.

Jessi and I ended up having way too much to drink so I decided to invite her back to my place.


Once we finally made it back to my apartment we wasted no time heading to the bedroom.

Lets just say if the neighbors didn't know my name, They defiantly did now.


The next morning I woke up to the sun shining in my eyes and the sound of the shower running.

I closed my eyes while rolling over, Defiantly too hungover to deal with that.

What felt like ten minutes later I was awoken again but this time to little kisses being places on my chest all the way up to my neck where they stopped.

"Morning Handsome" Jessi whispered in my ear sending shivers down my back

"Morning, Go in that drawer and hand me the pain killers in there" I whispered while pointing the the side of the bed she was on.

After popping two in my mouth then swallowing them, I found us in a very heated kiss that lead to round two only this time neither of us were drunk.


As we were both close to finishing Jessi let out a loud moan and like clock work soon after that I heard a door slam.

"Shit... Shit.. Shit.. You need to leave. " I screamed while jumping off of the fully naked girl sprawled on my bed.

"What! Why?"

"Because I forgot to pick my wife up from the airport"

"You have a fucking wife?"

"Yes... No... Technically, Its complicated"

"Well I guess I will get dressed and leave then"

"Good. I will be down stairs. Our story is that I let you crash here and we were friends in collage"

"And if she asks about that very pleasurable Moan?"

"I was in the shower, You were playing with yourself."

And having said that I was on my way down stairs.


Once I made it all the way down stairs I noticed the apartment was empty.

Werid, I could have sworn I heard the door slam, As I turned around I noticed the piece of paper on the island.

'Dear Justin, I don't blame you for her, But I do Blame you for bringing her to the apartment and for having sex with her. Two things we promised each other we would not do, No matter what. I know we having been happy for a while so maybe this timing is perfect. I think its time we actually file for the divorce. I left my key attached to the back of this note since your name is the only one on the apartments lease. I will come by next week for the rest of my things. Sincerely Amber'

"Well it looks like we can go back to what we were doing" I heard jessi whisper in my ear and couldnt help the big smile that played on my face.

I was going to ask her for the divorce before I left any was so I guess this just worked out in my favor.

I turned around picking Jessi up kissing her neck I proceeded back to my bedroom to finish what I started.

A Rebel Love Story (Ashley Purdy FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now