Nobodys hero

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Three Months Later: June.

"Well thats the last of it Mrs. Hills"

"Thank you. You guys are amazing. Jill please tell your mom I said thank you for having you guys help me move the last bit of my things into the house please"

As the neighbor kids left I just Looked at my house. I am still shocked that I got this house, Its so amazing.

After the divorce was final I lived in a cheap apartment for a while until I got a job. I ended up getting a job being a photographer for a music blog site. The pay isn't great but it pays the bills and I was able to get this house.

My house is a beautiful two story house, legit the perfect house for me. (Picture at the top)

I decided to get on twitter and the first thing I seen was a tweet of a screen shot of ashleys twitter.

@AshleyPurdy: when you are a minute late to say goodbye because the flower place was packed. #regrets #Imissher

I can't believe that ashley tweeted that.. Maybe he really did come to say goodbye...

I was pulled out of my thoughts by my phone notifying me again that someone had tweeted me.

@Blahblah123: @Hardcoreambur is this about you? @AndyBlack tweeted a picture of you two together at a party. #InforPlease

I decided to just ignore it because I haven't talked to ashley since our fight, Well either of the guys since I even Left.

Before I could put my phone down it chimed again.

@AndyBlack: @hardcoreambur @blahblah123 yes that was about her. We all took her to the airport and he missed saying goodbye to her by a minute.

I silently thanked andy for dealing with this tweet because I did not want to start worrying about all of this.


I was making dinner when my phone went off again.

@Blahblahblah123: @andyblack @hardcoreambur are they dating? were they dating? #moreinforplease

@blahblahblah123: @andyblack @hardcoreambur has the pervy perve actually settled down with one girl?

@andyblack: @blahblah123 @hardcoreambur that is all up to them. We haven't seen or talked to amber in about four months. Maybe shell talk to ashley. I just know he really misses her.

I couldnt help but roll my eyes at this. For all I know they are just trying to make an excuse for ashley.

You know like 'Mr sweet and innocent' I highly doubt that ashley actually came to the airport. He was so mad the night of our fight.. And I don't blame him either.

Now I could see CC tweeting that that while they were hanging out considering ashley just leaves his phone any place that it falls.

Just as i was opening twitter again to tweet ashley, I seen just why I will never give him a chance in the first place.

It was a picture of ashley with his arms around two girls pretty much naked.

I quickly hit the retweet button and then quote tweet then added

@blahblahblah123 this right here is why @ashleypurdy and I will never be together. I also stand by what I said the night before I left in our fight. #OnceAManWhoreAlwaysAManWhore #PurdyTheManWhore

As soon as I posted that I felt my twitter blow up, So I logged off before I had an anxiety attack.

*Three Hours Later*

I had just got out of the shower when my phone notified me that someone was trying to FaceTime me.

I answered it and was very happy when it was candy.

"Candy! I feel like we haven't talked in so long. How are you" I squealed in the phone

"Good.. Good.. But darling have you have you been on twitter?"

"Yea earlier why?"

"So you haven't been on since you retweeted that picture?"

"No I logged off. Why?" I questioned while putting clothes on.

"Well Craig and I were going threw his twitter and do you realize that you have the whole BVB army going crazy?"

"Wait what do you mean you and Craig?"

"Well we kind of live with each other now"

"You what !!??"

"Yeah, hah"

"Now why didnt you tell me!!"

"because we just made it official like yesterday. He flew me out to his place and told my parents to keep everything since they were making a big deal about me moving"

"awe. I am so happy for you candy!"

"Yeah well finish getting dressed and get on twitter!!"

After candy practically screamed that at me she hung up.


An hour later I finally logged back on twitter when I noticed I had a ton of new followers and a lot of tweets from legit everyone.

Many tweets were really sweet, some were really mean to me, and some mean to ashley. There was even a new #TeamAmber or #TeamAshley trend going on.

I can't believe after me retweeting one picture it caused world war three on twitter.

After getting about half way threw all the tweets I got tired so I once again logged off.

****Ashley's P.O.V****

I woke up this morning from my phone literally blowing up. I swear hotel parties are the craziest.

I was going threw my twitter notifications and I kept reading tweets such as:

@Ashleypurdy Purdy Boy sucks. #TeamAmber

@AshleyPurdy Always knew Purdy Boy was a whore, But thought it was just when he was single. #ManWhore #TeamAmber

and there was of course some that weren't so mean such as:

@AshleyPurdy You still have our hearts, We know your ways #TeamAshley

I dont understand what is going on.

I went to my twitter to see if I drunk tweeted because I seem to do that a lot.

I noticed that the only thing I tweeted last night was a picture of me and some girls from the party last night. Nothing wrong with that.

I decided to send a tweet out to see what this team ashley/team amber thing was about.

@AshleyPurdy: Hey all my purdy fans why all this hate this morning.

I was genuinely confused and as a matter of seconds my twitter started to go crazy once again.

The one that stood out the most was a picture, more importantly it was a screen shot. The picture I tweeted last night.

@Hardcoreambur: @blahblahblah123 this right here is why @ashleypurdy and I will never be together. I also stand by what I said the night before I left in our fight. #OnceAManWhoreAlwaysAManWhore #PurdyTheManWhore

I didnt even realize that amber retweeted that, but then again my twitter was going crazier then normal.

The only thing I don't understand is why would she be mad at me for posting that picture when she is married.

A Rebel Love Story (Ashley Purdy FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now