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I walked into his house and the inside was even more amazing.

Ashley had his guitars hanging every where.

Everything was either chrome or marble.

Like walking into an ikea display but only a rocker theme.

Walking into ashleys bathroom well believe it or not but everything hello kitty.

I sat on the couch taking everything in, and it was beautiful.

"Want something more to drink?" Ashley questioned,

"Yea sure. What do you have?"

"uhm, Mikes, beer, or water"

"Give me a mike" I stated with a big smile on my face.

The whiskey was defiantly taking effect, because without it there would be no way i would be able to be this calm around ashley, even if i wanted to.

Some reason when i was around ashley its like my head was telling me one thing and my heart was telling me another.

A couple hours and alcoholic beverages later Ashley and I were sitting on the couch watching thunder cats when i felt my eyes getting heavy.

I laid my head on ashleys shoulder and drifted into a dreamless sleep.

***Ashley's P.o.v***

Thunder cats was over and i noticed that amber was sleeping on my shoulder.

Amber is so amazingly beautiful but for once i don't just want to have a one night stand with her, I want to get to know her.

She treats me like a normal person and she doesn't go all fan girl when i talk to her.

I slowly picked Amber up bridal style and carried her to my bedroom. I laid her under my covers making sure to tuck her in.

I grabbed her iPhone 6s plus and plugged it in for her on my night stand since it was dead. I grabbed my hello kitty PJ pants out of my dresser, I turned to look at amber again and noticed her phone turned on.

She had the picture of me and her at the concert earlier as her lock screen wall paper.

I don't know what it is but there is something different about this girl.

I proceeded back down stairs to the couch.

Every one things i am a perky guy but i can be a sweetheart when the time calls for it.

I honestly can't wait to get to know this girl a little more.

*** Ambers p.o.v***

I woke up to the sun shining bright in my eyes and Black Veil Brides cover of rebel yell was blasting around the room.

I quickly rolled over not bothering to look at the caller id.

"I am so sorry that i forgot i had both the hotel room keys!" candy screamed so loud i had to pull my phone away from my ear

"Its ok, I found somewhere to stay" i replied while looking around the room taking in the blood red walls and stars everywhere.

"Oh are you sure you are ok though? I am super sorry again, but it was Craig Freaking Mabbit!"

"Its fine" I laughed "I told you i would get you and craig together some way, some how"

"Have i told you that you are my best friend!?"

"i think you may have mentioned it once or twice"

"Well meet at the hotel in an hour?" candy questioned


"Amber are you even paying attention?"

"Uhmm yea hotel.. one hour..." I replied watching the most adorable man ever walking into the room with a bottle of what i assume to be pain killers for this monster hang over.

"I honestly would like to know what has you so distracted. Who's house did you crash at?" Candy questioned

"You'll see when i get to the hotel," I stated then hanging up the phone.

"Good morning beautiful" Ashley whispered and looking quiet shy. Like he didnt know if it was okay that he called me that.

"Did we?"

"No, you were highly intoxicated and passed out. I slept on the couch. I may be a purve but I'm not the kind that will take advantage of someone"

"Oh.. Well you could have slept in the bed" I stated while biting my lip.

"Well like i said you were highly intoxicated, and i didnt know how you would have been in the morning, or if you would have been mad" He smiled at me.

An hour later I found myself on the back of Ashley's motorcycle and let me tell you i loved being cuddled up to ashley. His cologne was like heaven in my nose.

We finally got to the hotel and as ashley was helping me off i couldnt help but smile at candy's face.

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