The legacy

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*Its now July*

"Lets go Bitch its warped tour time!!" My friend Jenni screamed while walking into my house.

I swear I shouldn't have told her where my hidden key was.

"You realize that its going to be about a two hour drive to get there right?"

"Yes! Which is why we have to go!!"

"I still have to take a shower woman, then we can leave"

It was only nine in the morning and Jenni was already acting like a toddler hopped up on a sugar rush.

Then again I suppose I would be too, If I wasn't nervous to see black veil brides.

After all the twitter drama died down, Ashley tried to reach out to me but I ignored him. Not that I wanted to, I just didnt have the energy to deal with him.

The only one I really talked to since then was Jake. He stayed out of all the drama and helped me with my fitness thanks to his 'get mean' fitness project.


I turned the shower on and I swear if anyone felt how hot I took my showers they would think I was the devil his self.


By the time I got out of the shower it was ten thirty.

I quickly put my hair into a messy bun then a thin layer of eye liner on.

After getting all the bathroom essentials out of the way I proceeded into my bedroom in hopes of finding something to wear that wouldn't make me over heat through the day.

I decided on a blue tank top, Black short shorts, and a pair of black toms.

Just as I was grabbing my warped tour bag Jenni came bursting through my bedroom door.

"Are you done yet!?"

"Yes miss impatient. Lets go" I laughed at her.

As we got into the car Jenni automatically put Black Veil Brides on.

I never told Jenni my history with the boys, I never really thought I would have to.

I reached for the radio and turned it off.

"Why the hell did you just shut off my boys?"

"Well There is something I should probably tell you about 'your boys"

"Whats that?"

I never really had to worry about Jenni knowing about all the twitter drama that happened because she never found the need to get one since she never really knew the point of twitter.

I was shortly cut out of my thoughts by Jenni talking to me again.

"Hello earth to amber"

"Well I kind of know the guys"

"Well yeah everyone knows the guys, they are a band"

"No I mean I kinda know them on a personal level."


"I hung out with them when I went to Cali to meet my friend Candy a few months back"

"Why the hell are you just now telling me this?!"

"Well no offense but I never planned on telling you, Then you said you would take Justins ticket I realized that I would have to tell you one day incase one of them try to talk to me"

"That is crazy! Why would they not talk to you? If you hung out with them and they know how amazing you are then they would talk to you"

"Well... Not really. When I left I didnt talk to any of them. I just started talking to Jake again recently."

"Aw Damn." Jenni Whispered under her breath.

It's safe to say that the rest of the trip was pretty quiet except the radio blasting Pierce the Veil.

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