Is there time?

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------1 week later------

------Ezra's POV------

I woke up in an Imperial cell. My vision was blurry but I knew where I was at least Kanan and the others were safe. As my vision cleared I could see it wasn't a normal imperial cell it was a cell like the ones in Mustafar. No it wasn't like, it was. I was on Mustafar! I got up and sat myself on the bench in the cell. I was in a orange jumpsuit with the number 66 just like the other kids I saw before. I felt something tight on my wrist. There was a metal bracelet on it too tight to move. As I messed with it, the cell door opened and the bracelet shocked me with about 20 volts right into my wrist.

"AHHH," I screamed in pain. 

I saw Darth Vader walk into the room. "So he is finally awake. That is what happens if you do anything wrong. you get shocked."

I looked at him with a disgusted look. I hated him more than ever after he asked me to join the dark side.

"Will you reconsider join me... become my apprentice?" he asked me.

"Never," I shouted as a shot of electricity shot through me again!

He came right up to my face and looked into my eye's, and turned away 

"Take him to the torturer room, make him pay for saying no"

The troopers grabbed my arms and dragged me away. I struggled but it was no use they had a tight grip of me and the moment I did get away the bracelet shocked me, making me fall to the ground in pain as they grabbed my arms again dragging me to the room of horror.

------Zare's POV------

It had been a week since the rebels came. It had shock the whole cadets team except from me because I knew what happened. Taskmaster Suhail and Commandant Kemm came into the dorm where all my cadet squad and I were 

"So the rebel stunt is being looked into, we are going to go to to Mustafar today after breakfast. Vader will be picking two cadets to work at Mustafar for a month it is a great honor not many teams get this honor" Commandant Kemm explained.

We got to Mustafar and we were on the tour as we heard a loud, sharp scream. We all stopped and looked at each other bewildered, who was that and why was he screaming? Two storm troopers came out of the door dragging behind a boy. It was Ezra!

"He's a rebel , this boy is the scum who infiltrated your team," one of the storm troopers said as he shocked Ezra. He cried out in pain but the trooper carried on. "He isn't just a rebel he is a Jedi, now Jedi are dangerous and should be either turned to help the empire or die we are tying to persuade him to choose the right choice that's all." 

"Basically, he deserves it," Taskmaster Suhail  shouted. We walked away I couldn't look at Ezra... he looked awful.

------Ezra's POV------

The troopers and I got to an even darker room. It felt like the end. I knew then I was screwed.

"let's get started...2" one of the troopers said as two bars came out of the wall both with electricity beaming out of each end. It came closer and closer until it stopped just on my skin as I started to scream and yell. After about 2 hours or so it was over I thought. However two the troopers raised there guns and shot me twice in each arm. They carried on electrocuting me and shooting me in the arms and legs until a voice came over the communications units.

"Stop you have been torturing him all night take him back to his cell, if you see the cadets while on your way out tell them about him tell them why we have done this. Lord Vader will see him later!"

They dragged me out I was so relived I didn't have any energy. I felt worse than dead! My vision was blurry with tears but it started to clear up. I saw one of the troopers talking to the cadets. I saw Zare, I knew he couldn't help me right there and then but I knew he would tell the crew of the ghost... right?    

Ezra's decent into the darknessWhere stories live. Discover now