What if...

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------Hera's POV------

Ever since Ezra got left behind nothing has been the same, Zeb and Chopper didn't argue, Sabine didn't do any art and Kanan didn't leave his room once trying to sense Ezra. I heard a beep someone was trying to contact us. I sat down to answer the call and as the hologram came up.

It was Zare, "Hey I can't talk long Ezra's in Mustafar, Cell 10-C, the prisoners all go for dinner together in a secure dinning room at 1300 about 15 troopers that is it, oh and one other thing they all have bracelets on that can electrocute them you will need to take control the troopers control systems, I've gotta go before I'm caught. Hope you find him." 

then the transition stopper. "Everyone to the common room... We have news on Ezra," I called out over the com. I heard running as everyone came in. 

"What is it!" Kanan said, this had been the first time I saw him for a week.

"We know where he is being held, Mustafar, cell 10-C, now we can go get him the prisoners all go for dinner together at 1300 about 15 troopers they all have bracelets on that can electrocute them you will need to take control the troopers control systems, come on we can do it let's get Ezra out."

Everyone's face lit up we already knew where he was but know we knew how to get him out.

"I think we will need some little miracle," Zeb laughed to Sabine.

"On it!" Sabine ran off to her room tinkering away and we were off to save Ezra!

------Ezra's POV------

After the torture the troopers had put me through I was tired but then the door opened. 

It was Vader, "So have you reconsidered?"    

"I will never join you, no matter how much torture you put me through, I will never betray my crew, I will never betray my master, NEVER." I shouted at him.

"You are very lucky, its lunch time, you get to go and meet the other prisoners." I gave Vader a puzzling look as waved in two troopers who dragged me into some sort of canteen. I saw 9 other kids, all wearing orange jumpsuits with the number 66. 

"Hey look new kid," I heard someone say as two girls came over.

"Hey I'm Ezra who are you?" I asked the girls. 

"Oh I'm Arien Uswnath," one of the girls said

"Oh I'm Arien Uswnath," one of the girls said

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"And I'm Dhara Leonis"

"Wait Leonis?" I asked

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"Wait Leonis?" I asked

"Yeah why?"

"Do you have a brother called Zare?! 

"Yeah why?"

"I know him, lets just say he's a good friend." 

"Hey, okay you know her brother, I'm guessing your new," Arien  butted in. 

"Yeah," I answered 

"There are a few things you should know..." Arien explained 

"Vader runs this hell hole, its full of force sensitive kids and I'm gonna get out of here in no time." I butted in.

"Yeah and so is everyone else, no were the nice kids the kids that haven't cracked and joined the dark side," Arien carried on explained.

"There all horrible and will hurt you" Dhara butted in.

""Noted, and Arien I will get out!" 

"How?" she asked crossing her arms.

"Yeah, sorry Ezra but nobody gets out... alive anyway." Dhara explained.

"My master and my crew will get me out," I told them. The whole canteen went quiet and Dhara and Arien just looked at me. "What?" I asked

"you have a master... you mean your the padawan," Arien asked bewildered 

"Yeah and he will get me out," I told them the doors opened and Vader walked in.

"Oh really, where is he? You have been her for a week he's left you here! Your never going home or seeing your crew! You will never leave unless you join the empire. These kids will become Inquisitors you could become my apprentice you could be more powerful than any of them. You are more powerful that any of them." Vader tried to persuaded me.

"As I said before never." I told him

Vader looked at a storm trooper, "Tomorrow I will persuade this one I want him in the torturer room at 0700 until 1300 then 1400 until 1900 lets see hims say no after that." Then he left.

"Oh god, good luck that's all I can say," Dhara said to me

"I will be fine, I have hope," I said smiling at her. We finished our dinner which was our only food in the prison.

  ------Kanan's POV------  

"20 little smoke miracles all ready for the rescue," Sabine said rushing into the common room.

"Good so here's the plan, we will get there at 1310 then Ezra will definitely will be there, Sabine you will be on the roof if anything goes wrong smoke bomb the hell out of that place, Zeb and Kanan plain and simple get Ezra and don't get court..." Hera explained 

"Easier said the done," Zeb interrupted her.

"I know...Chopper and I will stay on board the ghost any trouble I'll be there, everyone understand."    

Everyone agreed 

"Go get rested everyone lets get back Ezra," I said. I hoped Ezra would be okay, I was scared of what I would see in that prison. What if Vader got to him? What if he had turned to the dark side? What if... what if... that's all i could think of

Ezra's decent into the darknessWhere stories live. Discover now