The Apprentice

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------Kanan's POV------

We landed on the ship dock waiting for the empire. We saw the ship and as soon as they finished unloading the creates. We pounced.

"Only 5 bucket heads we got lucky," Sabine shouted.

"Ye but something feels off everyone be on guard, okay," I explained. 

The air was cold but it was strange I thought it could be the Sith lord but it was colder still I he turned up we were out of there if we got the supplies or not, if it was some new dumb inquisitor then it was going down for taking Ezra. we got all but 3 of the creates on board the ghost. When a dark shadow came out of no where. He had a red lightsaber in hand and he's leap was defiantly aided by the force.

"It's another inquisitor," Zeb shouted 

"No, not this time he seems darker..." I was very confused

"Oh yes, this is my new apprentice," I heard a cybernetic voice call out "It's okay he will kill you not me, NOW ATTACK THE REBELS," he shouted.

The black shadow flew into action his saber skills were good, deflecting every bullet from Sabine and Zeb so I decided to join in our lightsabers clashed blue, red and green sparks flew off as the rest of the crew got the last create on. 

"Who are you?" I asked. I had never knew anyone so skilled except from great masters like Yoda he was better than Vader himself.

"A shadow, a forgotten memory, somebody just left to rot." The kid said.

He was only kid at most 15 but he was so strong he made my lightsaber flew up unfortunately for him it hit the realise button on his helmet. As it fell off I saw the blueish/blackish hair, his duel scar on his face and the darkness in his once blue eyes.

"EZRA!" I shouted 

------Ezra's POV------

The rebel knew me and I knew him he left me he had abandoned me 

"EZRA!" He shouted

"What's it to you, you left me to die and now, now you will die along with the whole rebellion," I screamed in his face.

"No Ezra, never, I would never leave you... your my padawan," He cried

"NO YOU LEFT ME!" I shouted 


"Sorry Master, I will not disappoint." I replied

"EZRA NOOO," my ex-master shouted as I raised my lightsaber and swung it down into.....


Ha Ha. I'm evil sorry for the very short part but school has just started back today and I'm in y11 doing my GCSE'S so lots of stress and exams I will try to upload daily if I don't upload one day I will try to upload a long chapter the next day sorry.

Also thanks to DaQueenOfArendelle and Lothcatwillow88 for supporting me you guys are amazing and I'm glad you like the story

As well as this I would like to say that Lothcatwillow88 story child of the ghost is amazing you should check it out 


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