Are you sure...

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------Ezra's POV------

I went into a large room where Vader was. 

"Okay I want you to push this prisoner into the wall," Vader commanded 

There were a few prisoners who were traitors to the empire lined up against the wall a man got dragged in front of me. I thought nothing of it and use the force to push him in to a wall I knew then the dark side was stronger because I didn't use much effort yet he was knocked out cold. I did it to a few other prisoners. I felt strong. I felt powerful.

"Good my young apprentice, good, now I need to know you can kill," Vader had the rest of the prisoners line up.

But I saw someone I knew. Mr Sumar, and I knew I had to kill him. He must had been in tarkintown when it was burned down.

"Ezra, Ezra," Mr Sumar shouted 

"You have to kill people to get what you want now, kill him," Vader shouted at me

"Ezra please your a good kid, don't do this think of your parents what did the empire do to them, your good, your a Jedi, your not a Sith, fight it... EZRA PLEASE," Mr Sumar pleaded as I walked closer and closer.

"Sorry but you don't know me at all," I said as I hesitated but then I put my new light saber straight through his heart. I continued to kill the other 5 prisoners.

"Good go give this to Agent Kallus, and then go to bed," Vader ordered me. 

"Yes, Master," I replied as I walked.

I walked to Agent Kallus's office and knocked on the door. As I walked in Kallus was surprised he saw my sleeve and how it had a empire symbol on it. It was obverse he was confused. 

"Um yes?" Kallus asked

"My master told me to give you this," I replied

"Your master?"  

"Yes Lord Vader."

Kallus was astonished. "oh yes, okay."

"Is there a problem."

"No, No thank you."

I went to my room, and went to sleep.

------Kanan's POV------

I fell asleep but as I did I had a dream.


"We have the crates Kanan," Sabine said running past me

"Okay get into the ship," Hera said.

We were in the ship just out of the planets atmosphere. 

"TIE-fighters about 10 of them everyone to there posts," Hera shouted over the internal com.

Then Everything faded and we started to crash hitting the planet we were surrounded by troopers as the Sith lord and a kid came out both dressed in black.

"I don't have time for you but my apprentice he can't wait to kill you," Vader said in his mechanical voice.

The young apprentice came charging at me.


and the dream ended. 

"Wake up sleepy head," Hera said shaking me 

 "Oh god, Hera you scared me, I had a kinda bad dream," I explained

"Hey its okay I have made space waffles, if it helps," 

"Your space waffles make every thing better my dear," 

I walked into the kitchen Sabine, Chopper and Zeb were already there. Well Zeb and chopper were coming out of the kitchen as Zeb was chasing copper like usual but it made me think of Ezra and how he would be chasing them as well. I sat down and Sabine looked depressed.

"Hey, you okay," I asked Sabine

"Yeah, yeah I just miss him, he's like a brother to me you know... are you sure he's dead Kanan are you certain," she explained

"I'm sorry, there is a slight chance he is still alive, but if he is the he's joined Vader and the empire, which means he's as good as dead to me at least."


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