The Beginning

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------Ezra's POV------

This month had been nothing but training, I knew they were planning something. I felt bad, killing Kanan, I felt awful I didn't want to be part of the empire, I didn't want to be Vader's apprentice but I had too there was no way Hera or the others would not take him back. He was alone.

Vader walked in interrupting my training, "You have proved yourself to the Emperor, he is impressed." 

I bowed to him, "Thank you Master." I hated calling him 'master' but I had too.

"But... you have one last test... we have the location of the rebel base, you along with other inquisitors, storm troopers and others will DESTROY IT! or else" 

"You and the Emperor will not be disappointed,"

"Good, I will be going with you make one wrong move..."

"What?" I asked

"YOU DIE," He finished walking off.

------Rex's POV------

First General Kenobi and the other Jedi, then Ahsoka and now Ezra. I mean he was just a kid, but we WILL get him back!

"Hey, how are you," Sabine said running over.

"Good as can be I wish I could come with you," I replied

"Do you want to?" 

"Why, what did you do... Sabine?" 

"Commander Sato said you can come with us to save Ezra," 

"But you guys said no to the mission," 

"yeah then we came to our senses we leave tomorrow afternoon," 

"Go on then, if it will help,"

"YAY! Come on let's go get some food" Sabine squealed 

The rest of the ghost crew were sat eating sabine told them I was coming they looked happy. better then they had in months.

But then TIE's came over head.

"TIE's but.. but how do they know where the base is we moved since Ezra left so Ezra didn't know where we were," Hera explained 

"Get your weapons protect the base," Kanan yelled.

"Karabast, come on protect the ships," Zeb yelled to everyone else. 

"Inquisitor TIE's come on," 

"Everyone to your stations NOW," 

Commanders were yelling, Kanan grabbed his lightsaber, everyone was panicking. 

Could this be the end of the rebellion!

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