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------Way's POV------

"Ezra I thought you turned," Dhara said very confused

"Long story but I think that was Vader so I'm gonna go fight him now... wish me luck,"

I wasn't sure if he was joking or not but he was going to fight Vader. A storm trooper came up too us we were expecting him to drag us away but instead he gave use a blaster each. 

"Don't get killed meet us at the hanger bay we have a ship there ready to take you away, Ezra and i will be right behind you," The trooper whispered. Then he yelled "Sabine, Zeb now,"

A girl in mandalorian armor and a Lasant. This was the rebel crew Ezra was with. They shoot every trooper in the room and din't get hurt.

"With us come on," The girl yelled

------Ezra's POV------

Mine and Vader's lightsabers clashed with sparks flashing around us.

"So my ex-apprentice you think you can beat me," Vader cackled.

"Maybe, I'm not afraid of you anymore your just a big bully," I yelled at him.

"and bully's have to be dealt with," It was Kanan who helped me fight him.

I saw Sabine, Zeb, Dhara and Way leave and I knew they were safe. 

"Now?" I asked Kanan.


"Go now Ezra," Kanan yelled.

I forced pushed Vader into a wall and we both ran out. We saw the ghost and went on board.

"Hera go," Kanan said into his come.

"Got it love," Hera said back as we flew out of the prison.

"Oh my force Ezra thank you for saving us," Dhara squealed

"You're welcome we have the coordinates of your parents Dhara, and Way you can stay at a safe house if that's okay," I answered

"Fine," Way said

"Wait how do have the coordinates of my parents?" Dhara asked

"Zare Leonis your brother is a good rebel lets just say that," Sabine explained 

"My little brother, really," 


Hera sounded over the com "We are at the coordinates," 

------Dhara's POV------ 

I ran out and saw my mum and dad as well as Zare.

"Well you have grown," I said looking at Zare.

He just gave me a big hug.

"We missed you so much, they said you ran away," my dad explained

"Well obversely that's not true," I turn to Ezra "Thank you I wish you and your crew the best of luck," 

The ghost crew walked back to their ship and flew away.

------Kanan's POV------

We landed at our temporary base after the Empire found our old one. We handed Way over too Commander Sato but then a pilot from phoenix squadron came in.

"Commander Sato the base is secure," the pilot said

"Thank you," Commander Sato replied

The pilot looked straight at Way and gasped, "Way is that you,"

"Dad... dad," Way ran up to the pilot giving him a big hug.

"Well that worked out well," Ezra chimed in

The crew and I went back to the ghost to go sleep. I was in my room until I herd a knocking at the door. It was Ezra.

"You alright Kid?" I asked him

"Yeah I just wanted to thank you," 

"You don't have too your my padawan and nobody even a cybernetic Sith lord can get in the way of that," 

"You know everyone got back with there family's," 

"Yeah, Way found her dad and Dhara found her family,"

"and I found my crew," Ezra said giving me a big hug.

Ezra's decent into the darknessWhere stories live. Discover now