The big test

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------Kanan's POV------

"We need more supplies medical, food and fuel," Hera explained to everyone in the common room

"We could just buy some, we aren't in fit shape to take on the empire." Sabine proposed 

"That would work if we had credits... which we don't," Hera continued "there's a shipment of guns and fuel for the empire on Alderaan this afternoon, I've spoken to Vizago he will buy the guns we can keep the fuel, its a usual supply run, go in get it come out again."

------Ezra's POV------

I had started training by doing duelling techniques and ended with force training 

Vader had a plan to explain it to me he said "You are very powerful and very strong my young apprentice," 

"Thank you master, I'm glad you are pleased with me," I replied

"You and I will be going to Alderaan with the next gun and fuel shipments, to meet with Queen Breha Organa about there ships being stolen and then we will be going to Naboo to have a meal with the emperor he is excited to meet you,"

"when do we leave," I enquired

"In 3 hours go get ready,"

"Yes master," I was going to see the emperor I was exsited to meet him. 

My master and I sat in the ship as we waited to land a trooper came over the com, "Sir we have spotted rebel activity.

Lord Vader turned to me "If you see a rebel what do you do?"

"I kill them," I replied 

"good boy," 

We landed and I saw the shipment being unloaded. We started to walk the other way when the rebels attacked 

"Master, the rebels are attacking should we get involved?" I asked

"Come on then lets meet some rebel scum," He answered

Ezra's decent into the darknessWhere stories live. Discover now