The End

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------Kanan's POV------

TIE's rushed over head shooting at everything in there path. Phoenix squadron rushed to their fighters to engage with the TIE's some not even making it to their ships before wither they died or their ships exploded but at least half of them got into the air. Then a large squadron of storm troopers came I grabbed my lightsaber reflecting shots back at them.

"There are too many," Sabine shouted.

"Karabast, Hera phoenix squadron need you in the air," Zeb shouted

"Okay Kanan, your in charge down here," Hera yelled running towards the Phantom.

"Got it, how are you doing Rex," I shouted.

"Fine but Kanan, we got something coming that we need your expertises on," 

"What is it?" I asked rushing over.

"Vader," Rex answered.

"Kanan I just saw a kid, I think its Ezra, Do we engage?" Sabine asked 

No answer came.

"KANAN DO WE ENGAGE... KANAN!" Sabine screamed as the kid came closer and closer. 

"No I will," 

I saw Ezra running. I intercepted his blade.

------Ezra's POV------

I ran at Sabine was she teasing me by calling to Kanan... Kanan was dead. This mad me infuriated. I swung my new red lightsaber but a blue blade of energy blocked it. There were no other Jedi who's blade was it I looked up and the was Kanan. No he's dead. I stumbled backwards not knowing what to do. 

He's dead. Kanan's dead. I killed him. How... how is this possible.

"Your dead, you... you can't be here," I said confused

Kanan looked straight at me and removed my helmet I had scar's on my face from when I refused to join the empire, "I'm here Ezra, I'm not dead and I forgive you, come back Ezra," 

"But... wait... how... I killed you... I'm so confused," 

"There is nothing to be confused about kill him... NOW!" Vader said his lightsaber raised, "Or I will," 

Kanan stood up looking straight at him, "Kill me then it will be worth it to have Ezra back in the light,"

I looked at them both of them. Vader's saber coming down to Kanan. I had decided my side and he was not taking Kanan away from me again.

So I force pushed him into a group of storm troopers! 

"I'm so sorry Kanan, I don't think Hera will..."

"She has already forgiven you Ezra and so have the rest of us," 


"Yeah Kid, It's great you are back but we are in the middle of a battle we could use a Jedi or two," Sabine yelled.

"Sorry Sabine, you ready to fight for us again?" Kanan asked

"Yeah but I only have a red lightsaber," 

"Us it we will change the crystal later," 

Kanan and I made quick work of the troopers surrounding us and carried on until Vader called for a retreat. 

"Bye Bye Darth Bucket Head," Sabine yelled to him. 

The phantom landed and Hera came out of it. I was stood right next Kanan.

"Ezra!" she yelled running up to me giving me a massive hug, "If you ever do anything like that again so help me Ezra... Oh I missed you," 

"I missed you to Hera but I would like to breath... your hugging me too tight,"


Zeb came over with Rex. 

"Nice to see ya back kid," Zeb said hitting my arm

"Ow," I yelped because I hurt there 

"Sorry kid, I only did it lightly," Zeb said worried. Kanan and Hera looked at each other worried.

"lets just say I didn't join without a fight," I explained 

"MedBay now," Hera said

"I'm fine..." I tried to explain

"NOW!" Hera interrupted.

There was no reasoning with her she was in momma Hera mode now. Which was good it meant she cared. 


"So there is a force sensitive facility creating inquisitors on Mustafar?" Kanan asked as I had just explained everything

"Yeah we have to save two girls there they still haven't broken and they helped me a lot as well as all that one of them is Dhara Leonis, Zare's sister we owe it to Zare to save her," 

"Agreed, you ready to go kick some Empire ass?" 

"Born ready,"  


By the way this is not the end of the book

Thanks for everyone's support

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