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   I squealed with excitement when we arrived in the mall parking lot. I yanked the keys put of the ignition and bounded across towards the entrance. Leo and Delilah strolled taking their dear, sweet time.
    "Hurry it up!" I shouted across the parking lot. I felt like I was their little four year old who couldn't wait to go exploring. It was partially true. According to the test I took on tumblr, my mental age was four. I know demigods shouldn't be an the Internet, but come on, it was TUMBLR!
    I tapped my foot impatiently, waiting by the sliding doors. When they finally arrived I could see the amused look on their face.
  "Geez, why are you so excited?" Delilah questioned. "You never have this much energy."
  "Except for when she has sugar," Leo noted. I shrugged my shoulders in a he's-right gesture.
   "Now come on," I sighed. I turned and my heel and marched towards the door. I could feel the exchange they shared but I honestly didn't care.
   "Where are we going?" Leo asked Delilah under his breath.

  "Only the best store ever!" She exclaimed.

  "And where would that be?" He asked again. I stopped and looked at him like he was crazy.
   "You don't know?" I questioned, looking at Delilah incredulously. She just shrugged her shoulders.
   "You better look out," Delilah muttered under her breath. I turned and smiled at him with my devilish grin. His smile slipped off his face.

   "Well, Leo," I mused, walking closer. He took a small step back. Smart.

   "You know what, nevermind," he choked out. I guess I use have looked pretty scary.

  "We are going. To. The. One. And. Only. Hot. Topic," I growled. He looked confused and terrified.

   "Okay. Good to know," he squeaked. Delilah laughed and I grinned.
   "Gods, your scary," he muttered, turning away. His face visibly reddened and I couldn't help but be proud. I flipped my hair over my shoulder and confidently strutted of off. In the wrong direction.
   "Rebecca?" Delilah called. I marched back towards them.

   "Turns out I have no clue where I'm going," I said, my face turning red. Delilah smirked and Leo glanced at Delilah, checking to see if it was alright to smile.

   "Come, little sister. I'll lead the way," Delilah joked. I growled and followed her and Leo.


   After walking around for an hour, we still couldn't find Hot Topic. We settled on having lunch at the food court. As we made our way there, I felt a bony hand slap my ass. I shrieked and pulled away.

   "Hey loser, fuck off!" Delilah yelled. He threw his hands up as if he were completely innocent and walked away. I felt my face turning beat red.

   "Thanks but I don't need your help," I grumbled. She replied but I didn't hear her. I wished more than ever that Nico was here.


   The car ride home was tense. Twenty-One Pilots played through the the radio, but the didn't help anything. Delilah, being the person she is, was singing along trying to lighten the mood. Let's just say it didn't work.
   I hate driving. If I have to focus on the road, then that means I can't stare out the window. But I love driving at the same time because you can blame not talking to people on the fact you have to concentrate.

   "Hey, Rebecca?" Delilah asked as we pulled into the driveway.

   "Yeah," I replied, putting the car in neutral. She looked hesitant. I reassuringly put a hand on her shoulder. She took a deep breath.

   "Do you think that I messed everything up with Leo?" She whispered, tears filling her vision. For being a daughter of Athena, I wasn't very good at giving advice. Especially relationship advice.

   "I think," I started, pulling her gaze towards me with my voice, "that if he truly loves you, this won't matter." She nodded.

   In 2 seconds flat, her emotion went from sadness to anger. Her normally blue eyes turned to a stormy grey. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, trying to put some distance between us. She yanked open the car door and stormed off. I sat in the car, desperate to escape the oncoming storm.


   Dinner was worse than I could have ever imagined. Our witch of a stepmother was concerned with how much Delilah was eating,  which wasn't new. I sat in the dark corner, pushing my food around my plate. No one noticed or cared that I had stopped eating completely.

   I wasn't paying attention to what was happening, but it ended with Delilah leaving, anger rolling off her in waves. I quickly followed, not wanting any attention on me. I went to my room and flopped onto the black covers. I sat and stared at the ceiling, hoping for some one to take me away from this hell hole.

   Nico materialized in the corner of my room. I smiled. What no one knew was that I purposefully left that corner bathed in shadow for that very purpose.

   "Hey," he smiled. I smiled back. His face melted from joy to concern.

   "What is it?" He asked. I shook my head, not trusting myself to speak. I held open my arms, needing some comfort. He obliged and sat there with me. I layed my head on his chest, and fell asleep to the beat of his heart.
Let's just say that it wasn't a peaceful sleep.

   Author's Note:
Hello demigods! We have finally updated after like, a year. I would like to personally apologize for
A) all of the typos in my previous chapters and
B) the entire story line from my previous chapters.
Peace put demigods


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