○ D E L I L A H ○

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EVERYTHING HURT. Blood pounded against my head and I let out a scream- a startling cry out for help in the echo-y bunker. Leo had just gotten up to a knock on the door. 

"It's okay, just breath, everything will be okay," she heard. Through the red fog that covered her vision she saw curly blonde hair. The doctor guy, she thought. She sobbed, the pain almost unbearable to anything she's ever felt. "Look into Leo's eyes if you can hear me," he said again. I felt warmth shoot through my hand, up through my arms. The pain eased the slightest. I looked around wildly in the direction of Leo until I found his eyes- clear, amber eyes that looked at me with dead concern. He nodded to something Will said, which sounded like he was talking underwater for me, and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and wrapped my arms around his neck, digging my tear-stained cheeks into his neck. He supported my back and bottom as he began running, from the very clear sounds of leaves and twigs snapping at a rapid pace. 

Everything was red, and going in and out of focus constantly. Will was behind Leo, staring at me. He was nodding and staring at me right in the eyes- which scared me. Why did he have to look directly at me? I cried and dug my entire face into Leo's neck. A blood-hurdling scream rang out of my mouth and into the woods, probably attracting uninvited guests.

We reached the end of the woods and Will was shouting for medics to bring something. I could only make out a few words. Nightmares, bad memories and just horrifying things swarmed my mind. 

I had opened the wrong memory.

As I realized this the pain increased, a growing, burning hole in my skull. I screamed again, unable to think, or breath, much less speak. I remembered a girl, faintly. She looked at me with red eyes, her caramel hair in waves down her back. Her milky skin was shining as though it was a neon light. I muttered a name under my breath, not bearing to think it. I don't understand why I thought it in the first place, but... 

This made Leo pay attention. He held me tighter. "It's alright, don't think about anything like that, okay, Birdie? C'mon, stay with me," he whispered, his warm breath tickling my ear. He kept talking, but I had the inability to listen. Darkness suddenly overcame my vision, my breathing evened out, but the pain was only numbed. 

I woke up to a gentle light, but other than that it was dark. I was in a cabin, and the more I looked around, the more I realized I was in Cabin Six, Athena's cabin. I looked around and saw three people around me. Leo was awake, and his warm eyes brightened a little more when he saw I was awake. He smiled shyly at me and I gave him a weak smile, signaling I was okay. The pounding of my skull had decreased a ton, but it still hurt. Annabeth, was asleep in a chair next to Leo, her hand rested on her baby bump.

Then there was someone who at first, I didn't recognize. 

Straight, stringy blonde hair was spread against the blankets, and sickly pale arms where crossed, the girls head resting on them. She was wearing a camp t-shirt and an aviator's jacket was wrapped around her like a blanket. I looked at Leo, confused, and he nodded. 

My sister, I thought.

Not wanted to wake her up, I patted the spot next to me, and Leo obliged to my silent request. He crawled in next to me, laying on his side so he could look at me. He studied my face for a moment before turning and grabbing a glass of water from a nightstand, handing it to me. I sat up and drank it gratefully, setting it down. I knew Leo didn't want to hurt my head by talking- and I knew he was capable to talking lowly, but instead he set an arm across my waist and set his head in my curly blonde hair, obviously tired. He waited for me to wake up, I concluded. His breathing began to soften and his body temperature went down by 2.3 degrees, signalling he was asleep. 

I laid awake, staring at the ceiling. I heard shuffling around my waist area and looked down to see a pale head rising, her hair falling in her face. She looked up at me and smiled. She looked exactly like me face wise, although her eyes looked green. I couldn't tell in the very dim lights. As she reached over to take my hand, Leo's arm around my waist tightened, causing me to move away from her. She rolled her eyes and scooched her chair quietly, closer to my head. "Hey, Arlene," she said quietly. I nodded a hello, not trusting my voice to speak. "You feeling okay?" I nodded again. She took a small breath and leaned back, obviously relieved. "I hardly remember you," I said, my voice hoarse and cracking. "What's your name?" She had this hurt look in her eyes, but she answered my question. "Rebecca," she answered. "Oo, Rere, I remember that," I grinned. She gave me a smiled, and then mentioned we should probably go to bed. I nodded and she moved to the bed next to mine, crawling under the covers. She cuddled with the aviators jacket and she soon, fell asleep. 

I took a deep breath, turning so Leo would stop squishing my side, and closed my eyes, hoping my headache will diminish by morning.

I would write more but meh. 952 words, whaddup


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