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It was going great until Delilah ran into the kitchen, tears streaming down her face.

bitch," I only caught a few of her words through the tears.

"EVERYONE LEAVE!!" I roared, needing some privacy with Delilah. Nico shadow-traveled as soon as I raised my voice. Smart. Leo ran out of the kitchen, quickly followed by the slam of the front door. My aunts mumbled something about unpacking their things.

"There will be no need for that," sang the all-to-familiar voice of Samantha. I whipped around to see the wicked witch herself standing in the doorway. Black waves rolled off my body at the sight of her. Delilah muffled a scream and collapsed, smacking her head on the hardwood floor.

"I thought you were going on the trip," exclaimed Tessa while Mackie ran to assist Delilah.

"Well, I didn't trust you sinners to watch over my babies. I don't need you...influencing them," she said, thickening her southern drawl.

"Shut up," I mumbled. She looked taken aback.

"E-excuse me?" She stuttered. She wasn't use to me speaking back. That was going to change.

"I said shut up. Do I need to elaborate?" I asked, the black waves coming in darker, thicker waves. As soon as it touched Tessa, anger filled her eyes. Control, I thought. The waves receded, and so did the anger from Tessa's eyes. She shook her head as of she was coming out of a daze.

"Rebecca," stated Samantha, gaining my attention. She had an evil glint in her eyes, "tell these sinners to stop touching my daughter."

"Shut. The. Hell. Up. Bitch. Before. I. Do. Something. I. Might. Regret," I ground out. She looked at me as if I were an adorable bunny.

"Get out of my house, you worthless scum," she called to my aunts. I let loose a blood curdling scream. Black waves exploded from around me and enveloped the entire room.

"Rebecca?" Called Delilah, standing up shaking. She reached out a hand towards me to steady herself, but Samantha was there, slapping it away.

"No touching her. She's too important. Much more important than you," Samantha called. Immediately, red smoke filled the room, mixing with my black to make a blood red. Samantha stood there shocked. The smoke wasn't going anywhere near her and I was determined to change that.

"What...how...why," she stuttered, looking bewildered.

"Don't mess with the Twins, bitch," We said in perfect unison. The smoke hit her and she fell to the floor, unconscious. The smoke disappeared, leaving a very confused Mackie and Tessa standing in the middle of the room.

"Now might be a good time to leave," offered Mackie. Tessa nodded in agreement. They shuffled out of the room, hand-in-hand. Me and Delilah turned towards each other, and despite the situation, I laughed. I laughed until tears fell down my face. My laughing turned to sobbing and I sat there on the floor, half laughing, half sobbing.

"Rebecca, get up. It's pathetic really," Delilah called. I took a shaky breath and stood. My vision darkened and I stumbled. Luckily, Delilah was there to catch me. Turns out me entire life is just one big game of luck and chance.

"Woah Becky, not to quickly. Releasing that much anger has to have some side effect,"she whispered, helping my weak ass into a chair.

"Did you just call me Becky?" I asked, grinning. She blushed.

"It was supposed to be like a Woah Nelly, or Woah Bessie thing," she admitted, her blush turning from pink to red. My smile widened until I saw Samantha laying on the floor.

"Is she dead?" I asked, not bothering to hide the hope in my voice. Delilah shook her head.

"Nope, I already checked. I laughed at the comment and she joined in. It felt good to release the tension building inside of me.

"What we're you going to tell me?" I asked, suddenly remembering what had been happening before the blow out.

"Oh, that. Um thing is, hehe," she started nervously. "I don't remember," she admitted.

"What do you mean you 'don't remember',"I asked, my voice darkening. She didn't seem fazed by my change of tone.

"When I fell, I sorta, Um forgot that one piece of information," she confessed. A groan filled the room. I turned to see Sam sitting up.

"What do you think you're doing!?" Delilah screeched when she started to stand.

"Well, this is my house and I'm not going to let two little girls, two children, ruin the order of my home," she stated, walking towards us. Red started to ripple across Delilah's body, making her look like a mirage

"Don't try that shit with me honey, cause it won't work," Samantha snarled. Delilah was taken aback at her words and the smoke dissapeared. Sam smiled her evil smile.

"Good. Now help me clean. As long as your living under my room, you will obey my rules," she commanded, leaving no room for discussion. But Delilah, being Delilah, didn't care.

"I don't think so lady," she called. Sam stopped in her tracks. Her evil look became icy.

"Excuse me?" She whispered, meaning to give Delilah a chance to change what she said. Again, she didn't listen.

"You heard me. I'm not doing anything you tell me too, and when my dad gets back," Delilah started, but Samantha cut her off.

"Oh, that's cute," she chuckled. Confusion filled my mind and Delilah's eyes.

"What's cute?" I asked cautiously. Sam stopped her chuckling and looked at me with dead seriousness in her eyes.

"Well, your father isn't coming home, dear," she said it as if she were saying we're getting a puppy. I raced upstairs with Delilah hot on my tail.

"You can run, but you can't hide," she yelled at our backs. I had the feeling that she wasn't talking about running up the stairs.

Author's Note:

Okay, so I didn't beat Delilah with the word count, but this was a good place to end. At least I broke 1000, right? Any who look Delilah, I updated. Have fun continuing it
Peace out Agents

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