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We walked together through the familiar cabins, muscle memory guiding us to my cabin. My home. When we arrived at the cabin, I sighed with relief. I had missed this place more than words could describe.

We had just closed the door to the Athena cabin when a camper burst in.

"Rebecca! It's your...," he stopped when he saw a blushing Rebecca and a grinning Nico. The campers cheeks went red as he mumbled the rest of his message.

"Uh, your sister is in the infirmary." He mumbled. I blew past him and dashed out the open door. When I turnednto look over my shoulder, Nico wasnthere, running to catch up. I was glad to have Nico by my side. We sprinted hand-in-hand to the Big House that we had just left. I nothing but the adrenaline pumping through my veins as I ran up the porch steps.

"Where is she!" I screamed, bursting through the doors. The ache in my body grew to an almost unbearable amount, but I thought nothing of it. The only thing that mattered was Arlene.
A scared teenage girl obliged to my command and pointed to a bed in the back of the room. A scream pierced the air and I bolted to my twin who was obviously in pain.

"We need to get her sedated!" Will yelled as he restrained a flailing Arlene.

"We already tried, nothing is working!" Shouted a frustrated Apollo kid. Will shook his head in defeat and got smacked by a flying hand.

"We could just knock her out," offered one of the kids restraining my sister.

"No," rang out a voice. It was strong and silenced everyone, including Arlene. It took me a moment to realize it was mine.

"We aren't going to knock her out," I snapped once i found my voice again. My voice, surprisingly, ringing with authority. "I have an idea."

I stepped forward to a flailing and screaming Arlene. I looked into her eyes and held her gaze. Instead of pulling up a bad memory I choose a good one.

People's memories are stored in files in their brain. They may not know that that is how it is, but when you are like me, you know how it works. I searched for the memory of us going to Six Flags when we were little. When I found it, it was locked. I was concerned as to why it was locked, but didn't hesitate to hack it and yank it up. The ache in my bones soothed as the feedback from the memory rolled over me. Before I could stop it, I fell in to the watery image of the memory.

"Come on daddy!" I called, running excitedly towards the adventure that awaited us.

"I'm coming Rebecca, just give me a moment," he called back over the wind. Now that I was experiencing the memory, I noticed that it was unnaturally windy.

"That doesn't look very safe daddy," whispered Arlene, looking frightfully at the Wonderland ahead of us. I stared at her, my 7 year old eyes full of shock. Why would anyone not want to come to Six Flags.

"It will be fine my dear," whispered a voice that wasn't my dad's, nor had it come from him. It was coming from the wind around me.

"What's going on?" I asked as the scene around me dissolved, leaving me standing in my 17 year old body. The wind around me, if it was possible, got stronger.

"That is for me to know, and you to find out," taunted the voice. I shivered at its familiarity.

"You remember me now, don't you, la regina del buio," the voice said, stirring my memories.

"You-you're the person fro-from the bike riding. You pushed me," I stuttered. The voice cackled and thunder lit up the sky.

"Very good. But, I have been there for longer than that. In fact, I've been watching you since you were born," the voice confessed before filling my ears with his manic laughter.


"To answer your second question, I'll make it simple. I want you. The first is for you to figure out," he taunted. I racked my brain, looking through the thousands of files that I had stored there.

"Come on. I thought you were a child of Athena. Use that brain of yours and think," he spat out, anger filling his voice. The sky matched his emotions and rumbled with thunder as his anger rose.

"Wait, are you Zeus?" I asked. I don't know why the sky God would torment me so, but this being obviously had a connection to the sky and Zeus was the only one I could think of who had that kind of power.

"No, you stupid girl!" He bellowed, a crash of thunder filling the air. "I choose you because you were smart!"

"Well, go ask Delilah since you have an obviously unhealthy relationship with the two of us," I snapped, turning to leave before I remembered that there was nowhere to go.

"But you're wrong again," he said in a sing-song voice, "I'm only obsessed with you."

I jolted awake, a name lingering on my tounge. I swallowed it before it could escape. There was more pressing matters to deal with. I noted that I was in the infirmary for the second time in a day, but that didn't stop me, nothing would.

I bolted out of the Big House, ignoring the people calling me back. I followed my instincts and ran to the Athena cabin. The backlash from Arlene had worn off and the dull ache had turned into a roaring pain that was close to knocking me out. I panted and saw my breath misting in the air. I looked down at my pumping arms and saw Nico's aviator jacket wrapped around my shoulders. I was shocked that it hadn't fallen off.

The door to the Athena cabin was slightly open, and slowed my pace long enough to quietly open it. I steady my breathing and glanced at the familiar sleeping faces in the room. I plopped down on an open chair and passed out, a single name filling my head.

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