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I forced myself to stay calm. What harm can a gun do? I asked before mental hitting myself. A lot of harm Rebecca! Okay stay calm.

"Come, la regina del buio, we have to go meet my...employer," he drawled out in his thick Italian accent. I noticed the hesitation when he said employer. Probably doesn't like the term dictator, I thought. Haha, dic-tator, penis-potato, I laughed.

"Excuse me?" Asked the Italian. I must have said that out loud. I felt my face heat up. That was supposed to have stayed in my head.

I half payed attention to what was going on, and half looked through my mind files. According to Delilah, she could completely emerge into her files, while I could only half access mine. I scrolled through different battle tactics, searching desperately for one that wouldn't harm anyone.

"Why don't you stop being difficult and just follow me," he growled, losing his patients. With no other option, I calmly stared into his eyes, his soul. I dug for the most painful memory and winced in sympathy when I found it. This was going to hurt. As mercilessly as I could, I yanked the memory to the surface.

"WHAT THE HELL!!" he screamed, writhing in pain on the floor. I felt fine until the backlash hit. Suddenly, everything outside and inside my body ached. My bones turned to liquid and my skin was cracking from dryness. I tried to shrug it off as I sprinted out the door and into the hallway.

I ran through the hallways, looking for some form of transportation. The pain had faded leaving a dull ache. My progress had been slowed by my pucking and almost passing out.

I stumbled and fell, unable to keep myself going. My limbs refused to work with me.

"Nico," I called horsely, my vision starting to fade. I know that I wasn't supposed to ask for help, but the opponent cheated by taking my sister, and I was going to do anything to get her back.

I reached out my hand, not expecting anything to be there, and I was surprised to feel a soft aviator jacket under my fingers. I smiled, despite my current predicament.

"I'm here. I'm here luce della mia vita," he whispered, scooping me up in his thin, muscular arms. The world went dark as we shadow traveled from the hell I was in to the unkown.

When u felt Nico reach solid ground again, I allowed my self to fade from consciousness.

"I need help!" He screamed, pulling me closer. "It's okay. It's okay," he muttered into my ear as I lost consciousness for the third time in a week.

"You have done well," Called a voice. I shivered with fear and memory. The voice sounded awfully familiar.

"So far, you have done everything I predicted," Called the voice, circling around me in dizzying circles.

"What do you want from me," I whispered, wincing at my voice. I had ment for it to come out bold and strong, but fear reduced it to a pathetic whimper.

"I want nothing from you," responded the voice. It's airyness send shivers down my spine. His voice sounded like it was supposed to be bright and cheerful, but after years, or maybe eons, of neglect turned it into a harsh, unforgiving snarl.

"I want you," he screeched. His laughter that was laced with madness.

"STOP!" I screamed, thrashing. My sheets were thrown to the floor as hands came and restrained my arms and legs. I felt my foot connect with someone's face before I realized that I was awake.

"Rebecca stop," ordered a voice. The charmspeak laced within it was so powerful that everyone, including myself, stopped what they were doing. Several things crashed to the floor and curses filled the air. Slowly, I opened my heavy eyelids.

I saw Nico to my right, holding my arm down firmly, but gently. To my left, Annabeth was there, her grip weaker than normal. And my feet were Frank and Percy. Jason was standing next to Piper, holding a bleeding nose. Oops.

"What's going on?" I questioned. They all turned to each other, conversing silently before realising their hold.

"I'm guessing I'm at Camp Half-Blood? Unless the most famous demigods suddenly decided to work at a hospital?" Sarcasm dripped from my voice.

"To answer your second question, yes you are at Camp Half-Blood," Percy called, releasing his hold on my leg. Slowly, the others followed suit. "Asked for your second question," he said turning to Annabeth. She sighed and rolled her eyes.

"I don't know what happened. You just started thrashing and screaming," she confessed. My dream flooded back to me. I sat up so suddenly that I almost head-butted Jason.

"You need to stop trying to hurt me," he called, jumping back.

"Sorry," I mumbled. Half of my focus was sorting through my dream file. I tried not to pay attention to what some of the dreams were labeled, but one caught my attention.

"Rebecca?" Called Annabeth worriedly. I gave a dismissive wave with my hand and clicked on the dream labeled 'your worst nightmare.' The dream from last night popped up and I quickly closed out of it. I didn't need to have a panic attack in the middle of a serious issue.

"Rebecca," Nico called, cradling my face in his hands. I closed out of my files and gave him all of my attention. Her searched my eyes before coming to a conclusion.

"What did you find out?" He asked. Before I could object to anything, he silenced me with a stare. Sighing, I looked around trying to stall. My eyes settled on Annabeth, whose hands were resting on her large stomach.

"You're pregnant?" I blurted out facing Annabeth. She gave a small half smile.

"Surprise," she said, waving her hands.

Author's Note:

-Rebecca Chase

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