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I was in shock oafter visiting the Oracle. It was random, unorganized, and so not like Chiron. As if to prove my point, my body began to shake. I ignored the panic that easy filling my mind and instead chose to focus on the facts.

This was going to be my second quest with Delilah, but the first one hadn't gone so well, since we both almost died. And, considering the fact that some pre-mortal being was trying to capture, kill, or recruit me, this quest was going to be all the more dangerous.

"Hey, you okay?" Delilah aked, nudging me with her shoulder. We were sitting at the Athena table, eating dinner. I must have zoned out because her face said that she had already asked me. I nodded, not wanting to put my concern on her. I could she in her eyes that she was freaked out, but she didn't show it. I wasn't going to either. She raised an eyebrow, trying to get me to spill.

"Just...going over some battle strategies for Capture the Flag," I said unconvincingly. She dropped the subject, but her I knew that it would be brought up later.

I pushed the food on my plate around, hoping to fool people into thinking that I ate. It was a trick that I had picked up from group outings and picnics.

"That isn't healthy, you know?" A voice called right next to me ear, causing me to jump. Startled, I turned to see a very stern looking Nico standing a mere centimeter away from me.

"You scared me," I snapped. My face was heating up from his accusation, like it so often did when I was called out. He gave me a worried smile before sitting next to me.

"What are you doing!?" I hissed. "You know you aren't supposed to do that." He shrugged his shoulders.

"Let's just say that I have a doctor's note," he said without offering any explanation. He stared at me expantantly and I slowly took a small bite of my Fettuccine Alfredo. He gave me a small nod.

"Heroes!" Chiron called, saving me from any more awkward encounters. "Prepare for Capture the Flag." A roar of joy filled the Dining Pavillion. I turned to Nico.

"You know that I'm going to beat your ass right?" I teased, sliding off the bench. He gave a wicked smile. He leaned in close to me.

"I know you're going to try," he whispered in my ear. I glared at him, and he walked away, laughing like and idiot. He didn't know who he was going up against. I allowed my self a smile of happiness and turned on my heel. I almost ran into Delilah, who had apparently been standing behind me the entire time.

"What was that about?" Delilah asked, a sly grin on her face. My face burned and I mumbled something about her being an ass before heading to the armory.

"Okay, here is the plan," I called to our allies, my voice loud and strong. "We are going to have Team 1 play offense, but your main job is going to be distracting them." The members of Team 1, which mostly consisted of Hermes kids, nodded in excitement.

"Team 2," Delilah announced, stepping forward, "will be the center attackers. No one gets passed the I'd line point." Team of (a.k.a the Ares cabin) nodded, their eyes intense and excited.

"Team 3," Annabeth took over, "will be defense. If anyone slips past Team 2, your job is to make sure they do not get our flag." There was scattered murmurs of agreement throughout our group.

"Wait, who captures the opposing teams flag then?" Called Percy, who hadn't been assigned to a group. I grinned and stepped forward, getting everyone's attention without saying a word.

"Those who weren't assigned a group are going to be the Elite team. It's a small group, and our job," I paused for effect. It worked. Even if they already knew the answer, they were leaning in.

"Is to capture the flag," I finished. A cheer rose up and I felt lightheaded with excitement. The Elite team, which consisted of Percy, me, Leo, Arlene, and Malcom, moved up to me.

Annabeth walked over. "I'll be an assistant medic, so don't get killed," she told Percy before giving him a small kiss.

"Yes, sir," he yelled, giving a small salute. She laughed and walked to where Chiron was standing.

"TO YOUR POSITION!!" I yelled,my voice filling the forest.

When the horn blew, all hell broke lose. Our team worked like a well oiled machine. The Elite team shot forward, each of us picking a tree and climbing it. We traveled like that, hoping from tree to tree.

"Do you see team one?" Percy asked. We had all gathered in various positions with two people to a tree. I leaned forward slightly, scanning the forest floor below for our Hermes campers.

"There," I whispered, gesturing my head to where really team was advancing. The forest was silent, tension filling the air.

"THERE!" Someone called. Footfall raced towards Team 1. Our team members bolted. Shouts of surprise followed them as people were caught in the multiple traps that had been setup. I put my hands to my mouth and did a bird call, and everyone advanced

We raced through the trees like monkeys. Leo wooped and hollered, but Arlene quickly shushed him. I began to doubt myself. Maybe they hadn't pit there fall where I thought they would. Thankfully, I was correct and they had placed their flag atop Zeus' Fist.

"No one's gaurding it, do we really have to still sit in the trees?" Leo complained. Rolling my eyes, I waved my hand and everyone dropped down silently. We carefully approached their unguarded flag.

"So, do we just..take it?" Percy asked. Before anyone could answer, the wind picked up. Thunder rumbled and it began to pour. Sheets of rain blinded us and the roar if thunder had limited our hearing.

"What's going on?" Leo yelled. Everyone turned to me, but I was too stunned to speak.

"He-he's here," I stuttered. My tears of fear mixed with the rain. My hands shook and my voice trembled.

"Who is it!?" Arlene demanded, picking up on my fear. I opened my mouth to speak, but the wind picked up even more, ripping my voice from my throat. I began to lift off the ground, and the last thing I saw before passing out was lighting hitting a tree and catching the forest on fire.

Author's Note-
Hey guys, sorry for the late update. I felt like this story was kinda dragging on. I mean, we're on chapter 24 and nothing has really happend so, tada! Any who, I hope you enjoyed it.
Peace out Agents.
-Rebecca Chase

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