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Let's just say that I spent more than a few minutes trying to gather my thoughts. As soon as everything seemed in order, someone came and trampled through my sanity.

I kept thinking one thing over and over. Issabella wasn't dead? How was that possible?

It was the boss, I realized, putting the pieces to the puzzle together in an agonizingly slow way.

"So, you're not dead?" I asked, my mouth trailing sluggishly behind my brain. She glared at me like I was dinner from 3 years ago that she had found in the very back of the fridge.

"Of course I'm not dead you idiot. And you call yourself a daughter of Athena. If I was Athena, I would be ashamed," she sneered, taunting me with insults. Black smoke unwillingly leaked off my body, creating a black aura around me.

"That's new," she cooed, sounding intrigued. I tried my best to shut off the smoke. I didn't need someone else doing tests on me.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I mumbled. I tended to feign innocence when the whole smoke-thing was talked about.

"That, that smoke. Does that happen when you have strong emotions? It would make sense." She countinued to ramble on, and I took it as a chance for escape. I twisted my wrists against the rope until the were raw and bleeding. I would link to make progress, but the only progress I made was wetting the rope with my blood.

"Are you trying to escape?" She asked, letting her teenage girl voice take over. "'Cause that would be like like, totally uncool." I felt kinda sorry for her. My guess was that she didn't get the opportunity to have a childhood. And it was my fault, so she let it leak through, feeding the guilt that was inside me.

I stopped feeling sorry for her when I felt a sharp sting along my right calf. Blood flew from the wound, soaking my jeans in the process.

"You see, here we follow the rules," she snapped, hitting me again, this time on my left thigh. I stifled my scream. I wasn't going to give her the privilege of seeing how much this hurt me. It was what she wanted, and I wasn't going to spoil her.

"Where's the screams? Those are my favorite part," she wined, a pout filling her face. She hit me in the stomach, ripping my shirt. I winced, but made no sound.

"I'll get you to scream. I don't care if I have to skin you alive to do it," she promised, hitting me in the stomach again.

"You're. A. Psychopath," I said through gritted teeth, sweat running down my face. She grinned at me.

"Oh honey, you have no idea." I don't recall how she did it, but she managed to flip me onto my stomach without removing my restraints so she could hit my back, my neck, my ass, and the backs of my legs.

"STOP!" I cried/screamed when she hit me in the same spot for the third time. I couldn't take it anymore. My body was shivering and shaking from the tool the whining had taken on it.

"That's a good girl," she trilled before continuing her violent entertainment. I screamed until my throat was raw and my tears had dried up. I then passed out a few minutes later.

"Arlene, what's wrong?" Leo called, looking at my twin who was writhing in pain. I glanced around and it looked like I was in the Hephestus cabin late at night.

"What's Arlene doing in the Hephestus cabin so late?" I wondered to myself before refocusing on the scene in front of me.

"Someone get help!" Leo yelled, his voice waking up the campers who weren't already awake.

"It-it's Rebecca," Arlene gasped, tears flooding down her face. "She's in trouble." Leo looked at the camper nearest to him, who just so happened to be little Harley.

"Go get Nico, he'll want to know," Leo ordered, immediately taking charge. A fire I had never seen before burned in his eyes. Harley nodded solemnly before sprinting put the door.

"Leo, why are they doing this," sobbed Arlene. "Why are they hurting get my sister?" I felt a twinge of guilt that my twin had to share my pain.

"Hush now birdie, it will all be fine," Leo said. But he didn't sound very convinced.

My dream shifted and I was no longer at Camp Half-Blood. I looked around, trying to figure out where I was. The ocean to me left sparkled under the burning sun, sending blinding beams of light in every direction.

"This is where you are needed, piccolo eroe," echoed
il mio fantasma. "If you do as I say, your father and your home will be spared. Cross me, and you will only live long enough to watch both burn."

I awoke, beaten and bloody. My head ached from all the thinking and filing I had been doing. I looked around and quickly discovered that just was no longer a prisoner. I was laying on comfortable, and rather familiar, sheets.

"Hello? Who's there?" Called a voice. I almost sobbed with delight.

"Nico, it's me!" I called, tears streaming down my face. The creature that rounded the corner defiantly wasn't Nico.

"Well, look what we got here boys. A juicy demigod."

Author's Note

Hey guys, sorry for the short chapter it's late and I got a big test tomorrow so
Peace out Agents
-Rebecca Chase

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