Changing Time

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I felt as If tears would burst from my eyes and never end, a continuous waterfall of tears.I had basically sold my life, Derick would use my words and twist them into his wave of life, make me kill, hurt me, hurt my friends, my family! Why didn't I just kill Olivia?

"Summer, Anything?! Is a lot, a lot to sell away..."Derick said amused "A lot for a long life of a vampire" He spat the words like venom

"Alright, if you'll do about kill the girl!" Derick finished

I saw Zane narrow his eyes at his father, his arms crossed. Derick looked angry and amused at the same time, he wasn't the person he was when he got me from England, it was an act, everything! it was an act, he never changed, he's exactly like he was back in the day, I knew something wasn't right with the family. He was always evil, I feel so stupid.

"What!?" I said, facing Dericks face, I gave him the evils.

Ramona, Jack, Isabelle and Jason were being pinned down to the ground, I caught sight of them struggling. My nose wouldn't stop smeling blood. Why can't I control it?! I smashed my fists into the ground, they left dents in the grass, and mud creeped up the ends of my hands.

"Your going to do as I say Summer, or this one dies....!" Dericks fangs snapped down and his deep red eyes were fixed on Jack. some Vampire guards grabbed Jack and swung him in front of the King, Jack hissed.

Derick quickly grasped Jack. Jack struggled against the grip, Derick seemed to have no problem holding him, in fact Derick looked amused that Jack was struggling.

the King grabbed Jack's head and slowly tilted it to the side, Jack scrunched his face together. The king slowly lowered his fangs towards Jacks neck.

"No! p-Please!" Ramona gasped

"FINE!" I screamed "I'll kill the girl, let Jack go!"

Everyone turned to face me.

"Summer, not if you don't want to!" Jack whispered. Derick covered Jack's mouth to stop him from saying anything else.

Then suddenly the girl was flung back onto my lap and The king froze but held his place by Jacks neck.

I stared down at the girl before me, she was nearly dead anyway.

"I-I'm S-sorry" I whispered as I snapped my teeth down. My eyes fixed on the girls neck.

"No, I-t's fine, I-I can get us..out..." she didn't finish she coughed up blood everywhere

I heard enough, but so did everyone else. I couldn't resist much longer, blood was pouring everywhere, I had to stop the bleeding. I didn't want to kill Olivia.

I super quickly bit my wrist and shoved it into Olivia's mouth. Olivia's wound started to heal rapidly, and she knew what I was doing.

"You'd better get on with your plan quickly or else we both gonna die!" I whispered

Olivia stood up, before anyone one could get to her, she shouted some words.

"Its Su na nooma, il su na noo...."

The world around me started to get blurry and I felt dizzy, no one knew what was going on. Everything around me started to merge together and then a blinding flash of light appeared and I couldn't see, it suddenly went dark and I tried so hard to open my eyes but they remained closed.

Then they opened and I was greeted by Olivia, she wasn't scathed, all she had was a long line of blood seeoing from her nose. She quickly wiped it away and hoped that I wouldn't notice, but I did and even if I didn't I could smell it.

Teen Vampires (Re-writing/Discontinuing)Where stories live. Discover now