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"Hey, any of you guys seen Summer today?" Jack asked, just as he seat at the lunch table, Nathan was there too.

"No." they all stated in harmony, jack just raised an eyebrow

"Why? Is she not here?" Isabelle asked worried

"No, I haven't seen her since yesterday." jack replied, taking a sip of his drink.

"You don't think...she's still at the palace do you?" Ramona said, cautiously, at on cue, a seat scooched along the floor, catching their attention, it was Zane who was getting pup from his seat and walking out the door.

"He just can't keep out of our business can he?" Dylan sighed. Zane growled before leaving the school, and they all ran behind him, Nathan made sure he had finished his drink before running behind them.


"I still can't believe I agreed to this!" I said, holding a wooden stake in one of my hands, shaking slightly, Xavier was laughing beside me, he too was holding a stake, I kept an eye on him though, making sure he didn't decide to kill me instead.

"Well, to be fair, Its not like you had a choice." he whispered. Then there was a loud huff from the door and Xavier smiled before we both stood on guard, me behind the door and Xavier on the ceiling, which was stupid really. I shivered with fear. What was I doing?

The door burst open and king Derick walked in, he took big strides before taking a large whiff, he bared his teeth, before looking up, and Xavier took this as a chance, he jumped down and hissed.

But I heard no impact, a choking sound and I walked out, stake at my side. Derrick held Xavier in a chokehold and I dropped my piece of wood and Derick, went from mad to filled with rage.

"You two were trying to kill me!" he growled, he then snorted. "Why would you even try?" Xavier was dropped to the floor.

"Because I hate you, I've always hated you, your such an ass!" Xavier choked, out of character, he looked over to me. So did Derick.

"You Summer Blakewood, are in the deepest trouble, this is classed as treason against the king and you will be punished by the law, and put to death!" he was angry, I had seriously done it this time. I gasped, I was going to die! Because of Xavier!

A tear ran down my face, as I stood there stunned, the king didn't even change his emotion he stood there graving Xavier hard and yanking him away, he didn't even take a second glance.

"Guards! Grab her!" Derick's voice echoed as four humans rushed in cautiously, why even bother, I was going to kill them easy! But just as I was about to, four more guards rushed in, this time they were vampire and I felt a rush of anger course through my body.

I leaped forward teeth bared, I caught hold of a human and tugged roughly, his head came straight off, the three remaining humans ran out screaming. I turned to a vampire, and I felt a sharp sensation in my back, causing me to fly forward and land on my chest. I screamed. One of the weapons Xavier and left out was now in my back, and it hurt. ITS ALWAYS FUCKING ME! I screamed inside my head.

I tried to reach back to pull it out but my hand was stamped on, making me yelp more, I gave out and screamed once more, before letting go of my consciousness and into a pit of darkness.


"Zane wait up!" Jack yelled after Zane as he had nearly slammed the school door in his face, Zane was abouT to break into a run, but jacks voice for odder him to do so.

In a matter of a second, everyone was standing by Zane, his lip curled and hissing.

"What?" Zane replied anger riddled into his voice.

"Don't think we're not coming back with you!" Ramona cut in smugly, raising an eyebrow slightly.

"Fine! you can deal with Summer, I'll get Xavier!" Zane hissed, he was very, very annoying to say the least.

But before anymore talking could get out in, Zane was off, faster than a speeding bullet. Hen was shooting through the woods and before anything he had reached the palace, everyone else slowly trailing behind reaching the palace no more than a minute later.

They all walked in, to hear yelling and screaming, it was Xavier and Derick, screaming their throats off and soon enough, loud bangs were roaring throughout the castle.


I woke up with a killer headache and a head full of memories that I didn't want to think an bout at the present moment, I was going to die because I was being twat and listening to Xavier and his stupid plan, why did think it would work anyway? He the fucking king of vampires. What damage was I going to do, I was obviously just a pawn in xavier's master plan, that I only knew parts of.

I looked around to find my self in an un recognisable place, it smelled of damp and mud, I focused my eyes on a small part, but my enhanced senses weren't doing any good, it was as if they were switched off, which was impossible, because they dint switch off. WHAT IS GOING ON!

I out my face in my hands and took deep breaths. Calm down Summer, the voice inside my head said, I once again lifted my head from my hands and carefully stood up from the cold damp floor in which I was laying.

I realised it was some kind of tomb. A stone cold tomb, like a cave but my own personal sealed death home. Is this the end of me? In a cold, damp tomb which smells like death?

That was it, I'm getting out of here, and I'm leaving, I font want to see that stupid palace again, since I got here all I have been is trapped, tortured, un fed, tortured, urrr......trapped and well basically tortured.

How was I getting out of here, my powers weren't working and I was not going to get out of here if all i have the same strength as a human, what is going on with me?


Once again, a late update, I'm sorry guys, i've been busy choosing my gcse options and I have been a bit overwhelmed with it all, but now it's the holidays I have a clear head and am ready to get back in the action.

Thanks again to all that read, which I know is a small amount counting by the amount of comments and votes, going a bit downhill, but I suppose I don't mind,mind it's fun writing and I'm glad that I make the small amount if you happy by keeping on track. I hope

Thanks again.


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