Creepy Family, or What?

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Even when I was running at vampire speed I still felt like I was in slow motion, I dodged through tress jumped over bushes, a d I was nearing the edge of the woods, soon enough I would be out of their lives...for good. Maybe now I was gone, they had no reason the keep my family, and would just let them return home, but what of Nathan? Would he be let free too? He's not important at the moment, what I am doing is better for everyone, but I knew one thing, I needed s snack for the road.

I went back to slow human pace and blended in with the humans around me, even if there weren't many. I followed behind a young boy maybe 17 years old, with a beautiful smelling A positive blood type, he was on his phone talking to what I could hear to be another boy, a friend or as he referred to him as... "Aight Mate?" I never really properly understood the slang these days, even in a young body I never thought to speak in improper language, occasionally I would say it as a joke, but to actually speak like it was weird for me.

Who refers to friends as 'mates' that's a term the werewolves call the person they aree meant to be with, and this guy certainly wasn't a werewolf. As if on cue for my growing hunger he turned a corner and I smiled widely, about to mirro his turn, but my hunger has blinded me and I didn't see the couple slamming into me and knocking me off my feet.

I scraped across the concrete and ignored th laughing looks I got from people.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, here let me help you up." the woman graciously offered he hand out for me to take, I didn't think twice I got myself off the floor without her help and growled at such a lowlife in front of me.

"Are you alright, are you lost?" the man asked me solemly, by now the crowed had disbanded from us and it was normal again.

"I'm fine." I spat to them, before trying to dodge past them, my food would be way ahead of me, but I could catch up. If these stupid humans would not move out my way I would kill them instead, in public or not.

"Follow us, we shall take you to our home, have dinner, our way of apologising, we can get you cleaned up." the woman didn't ask, she stated. Grabbing my arm and leading me away, I shrugged my Rm out of her grip, I hadn't noticed the mud and leaves on me from the woods, I must look like a right creep. Not as creepy as the pedophiles in front of, telling a fourteen year old girl to go to their home, but maybe this would give me a chance to eat, it wont be in public and no one should be closed by, maybe this isn't so bad.

the burning in my throat started to increase, as I tried not to nod so keenly and she nodded in reply and walked in front leading me to their home.

Their home was average, a couple kind of house two bedrooms, ones probably a spare, considering they probably share a bed. They unlocked the door and ushered my inside, it smelled humans...and I felt my fangs itching to elongate. I gently bit my lip, trying ever so hard to not kill them right then and there.

"Darren!" the father called, as I wiped my feet on the welcome mat politely, trying not to get mud everywhere, wait...who was Darren?! Please tell me the don't have a son. I quickly walked through to see a 14 year old boy gallop down the stairs.

"Shit." I swore under my breath. This was going to make It a bot harder, I never liked killing kids, I felt anyone younger than me should at least get a chance at life, some vampires didn't give a damn on human ages, at least I had some humanity.

The boy looked at me funny and proceeded to the dinner table, bugger I had to find an excuse on why I can't eat their dinner.

"Oh, I never did catch your name." the father turned to ask me, I put on my best smile and replied.

"I'm Summer."

"Well, Summer, I hope your not vegetarian." he looked at me expectantly, in case I was a vegetarian, I was anything but one.

Teen Vampires (Re-writing/Discontinuing)Where stories live. Discover now