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I saw the world around me become clearer, Olivia and Isabelle were stood next to me. I looked at my clothes, they were the clothes I wore the day I died, that must mean this is the day I die. No, I was here to change that, I was going to live a normal human life, no matter what my memories tell me, I am HUMAN!

Isabelle was in utter shock, Olivia looked as if she was about to faint. She looked drained and weak.

"Summer! What did you do!" Isabelle said, looking ahead and catching sight of our parents.

"I-I don't know, I wasn't thinking, I-I-" I whimpered

"Isabelle, Summer! What are you doing over there your meant to be getting ready for dinner and then the new ride in our car!" Our mum's voice was angelic, I had forgotten how nice it sounded.

I rushed over to her and gave her the biggest teddy bear hug. Isabelle had tears running down her eyes, and then ran over to join the hug.

"Oh, darling, Isabelle why are you crying?" Mum said concerned

"Nothing mum, don't worry, I'm just happy to see you!" Isabelle replied

"Well, I haven't been far, you saw my like 4 minutes ago!" She laughed "It's nice to know that I am missed!"

"Yeah, 4 minutes, being away from you felt like 400 years!" I said, Isabelle nudged me, and widened her eyes.

"hahaha, and who's this might I ask? a new friend of yours?" my mum continued, pointing to Olivia.

"Yeah, that's Olivia, my friend!" I said, quietening the last two words.

"Oh, Hello! are you alright? you look like your in a bit of pain?!" Mum asked, in her concerned voice

"No..." Olivia coughed "I-I'm F-Fine!"

"Oh, alright then." Mum said not quite convinced.

"Let's get you lot inside and ready, shall we! Olivia you can come to, if you want!"

Mum went in and me and Isabelle went over to Olivia.

"What's going on? you look zombified!" I exclaimed

"T-the s-spell, it won't l-last if your going to c-change something, do it quickly or I-m going to die and you'll get stuck somewhere r-random in t-time!" Olivia choked, then she collapsed into my arms, she was very heavy, and now I wasn't a Vampire I wasn't strong.

Isabelle gently took her from my arms and stood her up straight, she gently shook Olivia and Olivia startled out of her sleep.

"Isabelle, what should we do?!" I asked babyishly

"I DON'T KNOW SUMMER! YOU GOT US INTO THIS, GET US OUT OF IT!" Isabelle yelled, and Isabelle never yells!

"O-O-Ok" I said, not too convincingly.

I grabbed Olivia's legs and pulled her into the house, Isabelle followed looking a bit upset.

"Isabelle go distract mum!" I whispered. Isabele looked a bit unsure at first, but then she got the idea.

I let her go of Olivia and opened the cellar door. I took a deep breath and hauled Olivia down the stairs as easy as I possibly would, Olivia would most likely have a few cut or bruises, mainly on the head area!

I put her in the cellar and left her there.

"Olivia, you'll be alright here, just say here!" I whispered encouragingly

She nodded in reply and I ran up the stairs.

I rushed to the door of the dining room and stopped. I readied myself I tidied up what I was wearing, a yellow, pinky dress, but how I had remembered it was a deep dark scarlet red.

Teen Vampires (Re-writing/Discontinuing)Where stories live. Discover now