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As I rushed across the room grabbing clothes and brushing my hair, I struggled to contain the amount of confusion welling inside of me. What was across the river? that got Zane all spooked? and what was Zane doing kissing me? It was just plain rude, because I was 'apparently dating Dylan?!

Then it sunk in...Oh, my, god I'm dating Dylan, my face was blank, as I sat on the bed, I mean there was nothing particualy wrong with Dylan, but he's so not my type! I hope it was over now we explained to Dylan what was going on, the thought got pushed aside, with the other things in my head worth forgetting.

When I looked reasonably ok, and didn't look like I came out of a dustbin, I walked out the door, to find Ramona waiting outside.

"Well hey, fancy seeing you here, in a horrible mansion, with Vampire twats!" She said sarcasically, well, it was obvious she and Dylan had got a bit...happy. I smiled politely, I thought It better not to mention the river and Zane to Ramona...yet.

When We all left to leave for an excruciatingly long walk to'vampire' school at excruciatingly human pace, with excruciatingly boring silence, I sighed heavily to break the silence, making sure I didn't sound ridiculously stupid.

"So..." I started not sure how to finish.

No one answered, as we reached the start of the graveyard, I thought that I needed to speed up the pace, I ran, as if I was part of the wind, but suddenly stopped when something caught my eye, I cocked my head to the side and took a couple of steps back, there was a dull rock, it looked decades old, but it was the writing that made me look.

I crouched down beside a duo of identical gravestones. Side by side, they lay covered in weeds and overgrowth, I rubbed the rock and my eyes widened at what I saw, although maybe I shouldn't have been a shocked as I was, but there I was sitting in front of the gravestone, I sat back on my bum and just stared at it.

It was Zane's grave.

It read;


Zane Rhysling

Loving son and Lover

Lover? Zane was in love, but what really made me curious was what the other gravestone next to his was, My first guess was Lucy, but the intial I could read out was an A, it couldn't be Lucy. I leant over and rubbed off the green overgrowth and gasp.


Antoniette Bellami

Loving daughter and Lover

I thought about how Zane must have felt, happy and full of joy. I wonder what happened to her, and how Zane came back but she didn't, in fact, I'm not even sure how Zane exists if they are the oldest?! but who needs details, seriously?

God then it hit me, this must have been before Zane became a Vampire like two thousand years ago, crikey! I wonder if he got over her?

There was a gush of wind behind me, I spun around in a flash and Zane was there, he looked sad and a tad angry.

"W-Who was she?" I asked curiously, stuttering a bit

"She was my girlfriend, until-" Zane paused for a moment

"We're going to be late for school!" He blurted out changing the subject. He rushed away, I'm sure he was hiding tears, but I wasn't going to comment. God this guy was a right wierdo sometimes, but a pretty fit wierdo might I say.

As we approached the gravestone that lead into the underground school, riddled with bloodsuckers I couldn't help but think I wasn't popular, I mean I've never not been popular, okay, maybe I have, but that is because I sometimes have a bad temper and kill all my friends 'accidently'

Teen Vampires (Re-writing/Discontinuing)Where stories live. Discover now