Fangs For The Tip

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To say happy new year i have updated an extra long chapter :P ENJOY!!!!!!


I approached the door to my final lesson and doubled checked this was the right class, I opened the blue door which had a small amount of blood on it and walked in, not too many people stared at me s I walked in, it was an improvement, but some did. I sat down at the back of the room in the corner and slouched a bit, I put my bag on the seat next to me so no one could sit there.

I watched curiously as people piled into the classroom, no one I knew came in, I was a loner. The last person to walk in was the teacher, I watched as he trapsed down the middle of the classroom and stood up at the front of the class.

"Okay, today students, your going to learn probabbly THE most important thing about being a vampire, it might be that it is impossible for some of you, but some of you older ones in here may be able to do this." He explained, what could be THAT important, that it needs to have a lesson on it, what more do you need to learn?

I sat bored out of my mind, I only really paid attention when the teacher suddenly snapped his fangs down, I turned straight back to him and stared intently and the class had the same idea.

"Now class, I'm going to try and teach you how to do this..." He started, one boy shouted quickly.

"Yeah, we can all snap our fangs down."he then snapped his fangs down to show what he meant.

"Haha, I agree, but can you put your fangs back in?" He finished, yet again the rude boy interupted again.

"Uh..Yeah...when human blood touches them...duh?" He said it as if the teacher was a right prat.

"Yes, but WITHOUT blood?" he finished, waiting for the classes reaction. Immediately murmurs were heard around the class.

It's impossible, your fangs can't go in and out at will, it's not known, that's not the point, is he bluffing? I snapped my fangs down silently to try it myself quickly. I concentrated but my fangs wouldn't budge, they were stuck solid.

"Your lying, it's not possible!" One girl said to him, a tad of hope in her eyes.

"Ah, but it is, you need to have control and skill." He answered smiling

"Prove it!" I shouted to him, raising an eyebrow,the class went silent and then they turned to face me, and then change there glance to him, it looked a bit worried, but turned on a smile.

"Alright!" he exclaimed, the class watched in silence, I was determined to find the answer to this unknown question.

The teacher remained still and everyone was concentrating on his fangs, they weren't budging they remained there, people were getting impatient.

"Liar!" someone shouted, the teacher ignored his comment.

Somethng started to happen, his teeth suddenly snapped back in and he smiled. The class were in shock, they had numerous amounts of ideas of what just happened, witchcraft, secret blood store, I was sat at the back processing what I just saw.

"" I stuttered, unsure on what to say.

"Like I said control and skill." he raised his eyebrows happy of his achievement.

"Now, who wants to learn?" he boomed smiling, everyone in the class, at first, didn't reply. but one by one they nodded, thinking it was worth a shot. I also agreed and so it began, the great 'lets pull our fangs in'

He told us we must concentrate everything on our fangs, every muscle, every strength, he told us as we practice and as we continue it will get easier and easier and less power wil be needed each time.

Teen Vampires (Re-writing/Discontinuing)Where stories live. Discover now