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"Wait, Riley's your brother?" I said confused, but yet, I was annoyed it didn't see it sooner, the resemblance was obvious now that I looked closer.

Before anyone answer me, Jack hissed and walked into the white room and Riley suddenly started glowing only for about half a second though, then a pair of dark coloured wings flew out from behind Riley, they were feathered and slowly swaying, they were huge, nearly the rooms length.

Jack frowned for a second as if thinking through what he was about to do, but it disappeared when he spoke.

"Your wings, t-their dark?" Jack said, he stood up from his ready stance. Riley smirked, he seemed to know why Jack was so angry and shocked at the same time.

Everyone was confused, Ramona and Isabelle were frazzled, Dylan and Jason seemed to be pulling strange faces and then Zane held Mr. Redman and watched the series of events that were happening, but he was getting annoyed with the headmaster and Zane threw one punch across his face and he was out cold, Zane flopped him on the floor and walked over to the others.

"What is going on?" I yelled breaking the small awkward silence.

Riley and Jack looked at me, evil expressions on their faces.

"Got a problem 'brother?'" Riley said spitting the word brother, he already knew the answer why. He just wanted to provoke Jack.

"Why?" Jack asked in a high squeaky vioce, he was almost crying

"Why?" Riley mocked " I thought you were dead! I thought you had left me, I thought...I thought...after you came back...I thought-" Riley didn't finish

"You thought I would kill you!" Jack yelled "I told you it wasn't like that! I didn't mean for what happened to happen, you know that, anyway when did you become dark angel, last I saw you were a light angel!"

"Things change!" Riley replied through his gritted teeth. I could sense someone was going to attack first, so I decided I wasn't going to watch

"We'll just be outside, you sort out your differences." I explained, genty backing out the room and shutting the door, Riley and Jack hadn't moved an inch.

"Ok, that definately caught me be surprise." I said turning to face the others. They all looked at each other. Zane crossed his arms and sat in the headmasters chair.

"I think we can all agree that was very strange, even by my standards." Zane explained.

I wondered if Riley was reading Jack's thoughts, that would give Riley the battle advantage, and that would mean Jack was screwed. I listened carefully to see who would make the first move, but they was no noise.

"Why aren't they doing anything?" Dylan asked, obviously listening too.

"Good point, they were all angry until Riley pulled out his wings, which took Jack by surprise!" Ramona said, obviously thinking the same as everyone else in the room.

Zane randomly started laughing to himself after this. I turned to face Zane, I raised an eyebrow.

"Care to enlighten us on what you think is funny?" I asked, Zane smirked at my question.

"So none of you bothered to even think to ask me about this, when I am the oldest and smartest thing in this room?" Zane said, smiling the entire time.

"Alright, explain?" I said.

"Think about it, If Vampires, Werewolves and Witches are at war, Witches and Warlocks on the light side and Werewolves and Vampires on the dark side what do you think every other creature is doing?" Zane explained, I could tell he was enjoying proving us wrong in our explainations "They're allies! if the Witches and Warlocks have the Light angels and the Werewolves have the Shifters who do you think we have?..." I started to make sense and think that it was obvious now that you think about it.

"We've got the dark angels!" Isabelle said, knowing it was now obvious.

"Exactly!" Zane said, pointing at Isabelle

"And what's the one rule that your not allowed to do?" Zane finally said, he looked over to me and smiled "Summer you should know this one you've done it a couple of times!"

"Your not allowed to kill your own kind." I mimicked, annoyed that Zane would be the one to point out the obvious.

"All right, smart ass, bet you didn't know that dark angels an read minds!" I said, wating to attempt to top Zane's previous explaination. Zane's smile disappeared.

"Summer, you cease to surprise me, you should be a spy because sometimes the crap you come out with, sometimes helps!" Zane explained.

"And just to tell you, I already knew that." He smiled regained bigger this time. I gave him the evils.

"They can only read the minds of whoever lets them in, if you block them out, they see nothing." Zane explained finally finishing being the smart ass he is.

Mr. Redman groaned from the floor and Jason kicked his head so he went back to sleep.

Everyone listened intently to what was going on behind the door, still only murmurs, Jack must have known once he saw the wings that he coukdn't fight without breaking the rules.

"Ok, I'm going to sort this out, because this is boring!" I exclaimed, I walked towards the door and yanked it open, I saw Jack and Riley talking, I closed the door behind me, leaving the others in the room behind me.

As soon as I entered I felt the tension between the two of them, Riley's wings impatiently swaying and Jack, radiating anger from every nook and cranny.

I walked between the two of them and held my hands out.

"Alright, either attack each other already to get this over...or get out!" I said impaitently, I never liked waiting around, I get bored too easily.

"My pleasure!" Riley growled, he lunged towards Jack, but I stood in his way and before Riley could stop himself he hit me instead of Jack. The pain was excruciating, I didn't know what was happening, but It hurt. Jack looked unsure on what to do, but he rushed over to Riley and immediately I felt Riley pull away from me and the pain stopped. Jack's teeth were inches away from Riley's shoulder and neck. I rubbed my head and it took me a bit to shake off what just happened and realise what was going on.

I saw the door smash open.

"Summer, you always do manage t fix things don't you!" Isabelle said sarcastically. I didn't even see Zane pass me but he alerady had Jack and Riley in each hand away from each other. He threw Riley one way and Jack the other way.

"STOP!" Ramona screamed, Jack heard Ramona's pleading voice and he rubbed his eyes and gently shook his head. He wanted to stop but the anger towards his brother was taking over.

Zane shot over to Riley and plunged his hand through his ribcage.

"Agh-" Riley groaned, straight away his wings flew back into his body and Zane pulled his hand out, but he didn't hold a beating heart, he held only a blood covered hand. He let Riley live.

Riley put his hands over his wound and stood up, everyone watched him carefully and watched as he moved the second he walked out of the door, a dark mist covered him and he disappeared.

"Fucking angels." Zane growled.

But a figure stood at the door, it was angry and it shouted.

"GET TO YOUR FINAL LESSON OR YOU WILL BE EXCLUDED FOR A MONTH! NOW GET OUT!" It was Mr. Redman's voice everyone glared at him and everyone at the same time used their Vamperic speed and shoot out of there. I checked my schedule whilst shooting through the crowd. last lesson I had

Fang Retraction

That didn't give me any clue on what the lesson would be but I swear to hell that if they even try and pull my fangs out I will start snapping some necks.

Teen Vampires (Re-writing/Discontinuing)Where stories live. Discover now