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As I lay on the carpet of this strange man's house, I thought of all the things I had done and not done, Then I thought about how this man is no different than any other human, he's just got weapons. I always loved a good fight. I gathered my strength and forced my body to heal. I pushed my arms against the floor and got onto my feet, I was still weak, I needed to feed.

I walked through the house, as quietly as possible and went to find the back door, I couldn't go out the front in this state, people would know something was up. When I finally found the back door leading out of the kitchen, It was planked up, and pieces of old wood were nailed to the door. Smart guy.

I could tell he was near, my senses were still strong, and I turned around to find the man, he definately had resemblence to Alex. He pointed a gun towards me.

"We can do this the easy way, or the hard way!" He quoted.

"Seriously, you catch me and that's your line, god you couldn't think of another line, cliché much." I complained, he was lookng at me with pure hatred in his eyes.

"What did you do with Alex?" He asked, he still had the gun in my direction.

"She's safe" I lied "You kill me and you'll never see her again." Ok, now I was being cliché.

"TELL ME WHERE SHE IS!" He shouted he walked closer to me, and held the gun directly to my head.

"I can't tell you, I can show you!" I smirked at him. I could lead him to the house and he can't take all of us down.

"I don't trust you" He said, he was smart, who does trust me?

"Kill me then, you'll never find her without my help"

I felt weak, too weak to stand, I dropped to the ground. My fangs came out, I had to feed, Now.

"Not so tough now are you, bloodsucker." He used the same term as Alex did when we first met. He grabbed me and pulled me to my feet. He dragged me through his house and threw me down in to the basement. I smashed on each step and each fall I let out a yelp. It all went dark.

I woke up, god know how many hours, or days later. The others must be really worried about me. Jason better have told them it was his fault. I looked around It was pitch black and it smelled of death. I tried to move my arms and legs, they seemed to have been chained to a wall, they were covered in garlic, because they dug straight into my skin. I heard movement in the room. My eyes partly ajusted I could see it was another person, a boy, maybe 16 or 17 years old, he had dark skin and brown eyes. I couldn't see properly. I tried tugging on my chains but they just dug deeper into my skin.


"Jason, What happened?" Jack yelled and then threw Jason across the room.

"A guy, he shot Summer and then took her. That's all I saw. I's all my fault I was too loud and gave our postition away." Jason said, as he got onto his feet, and hid his face in his hands.

"We've got to save her." Isabelle cried, she was the more worried one, even though Jack was angry.

"BUT HOW?" Jack said turning to face Isabelle. He then turned to look at Jason, rage filled his eyes.

"All your fault Newbie! you don't deserve this gift." Jack said he shot over to Jason and grabbed his hair yanking his head back. Jack punched Jason in the face, It threw Jason straight through the wall into the kitchen. Jason was completely out.


I sat there, my head back against a wall and took a deep breath, and to make in worse. I had an itch in my nose. My fangs were still out and at this rate I'll die of hunger. I decided to talk to the boy across the room. If he was still alive that is.

Teen Vampires (Re-writing/Discontinuing)Where stories live. Discover now