What Happened!?

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I never knew, Jack seemed so...stable. God, he should be an actor! I never thought Jack had a problem, I never knew he had lost all humanity, he seemed so normal....well, you could argue.

Jack was right, I could change something, I could change the way I live, then again, can I really be bothered?! I couldn't help but feel guilty, this was my fault. Although, at least now, we wouldn't have to argue about where Olivia was going to live, she could live in the ground! I couldn't help but smirk at myself because I was talking to myself and this makes me wonder If I'm really that much sane. Then something made me jump. Oh, literally scream!

"Shit! What the Fuck is he doing here!" I blurted out, maybe a bit too uncontrollably.

Everyone turned around to see a figure walking out from the shadows, blood dripped from his mouth and he smiled at us.

"God, I was gone for only 5 minutes, no need to over react!" the boy said, jokingly

Ramona's face was shock horror mixed with OMG! she inhumanly shot over to him and hugged him, I was sure I saw his eyes nearly pop out of him. Ramona wasn't letting go anytime soon. The boy paused for a moment and then hugged Ramona back.

I thought back to what I had done different, not much, I just ended up dying someplace else! but we musty have done SOMETHING to change the fact that he came back, or maybe he never got bitten at all! but my mind was full of black smudges I couldn't remember parts of my past, did changing the past have a dramatic effect on the future? like a chain reaction! I couldn't say I wasn't pleased to see him, but still...

"Oh, My, God Dylan! How are you even Alive!" Ramona exclaimed

"Ramona, I was gone for like 5 minutes! What did I miss, someone die?" Dylan joked, no one laughed!

"Your Your..." Ramona slobbery felt his face checking he wasn't some kind of ghost or imaginary man.

"Dylan, your dead! We watched you die!" Jack exclaimed, even more shocked than Ramona and that was saying something. OK, maybe Ramona was still very shaken up, but everyone was shocked, my jaw was hitting the floor!

"last time I checked, umm...I was dead...soo...!" Dylan hadn't had the slighest idea what was going on, I think I should explain to him.

"Dylan, listen carefully, who turned you?" I asked, I was starting with the basics, then going to ease of to the more complicated parts.

"Umm...you did, duh?!" Dylan stated, Ramona took a step back and I choked on air.

"You might be a bit jumbled there Dylan, Ramona turned you." Jack said raising an eyebow and slinging a shoulder over Dylan.

"No... Summer did, I remember because that was the day I asked Summer out." Dylan explained completely casual about the subject, I however wasn't.

I felt light on my toes and I felt slightly queasy, I am not dating Dylan, I am not dating Dylan, that is Ramona's job. Then I felt a bit tipsy and as far as I knew, I passed out!

"Su-mm-er! Sum-mer, SUMMER!" I heard Dylan's voice, yelling my name, his hand under my head and holding me steady. I jumped, sudenly waking up from my dazed situation.

"Woah, Woah, WOAh!" I said, pushing Dylan away from me "What are you doing?"

I looked around, Ramona looked as if she was going to burst into tears, Jack, Isabelle and Jason all looked amazed and confused.

I scurried backwards.

"Dylan, What the hell are you doing?!" I yelled, I could feel sweat down my forehead, twigs were poking into my hands, then snaping at the force of my weight above them.

"Summer, are you alright?" Isabelle said

"Yep, I'm good!" I said, standing up and brushing the dirt of me. Dylan was a bit frazzled I think.

"Dylan, what is wrong with you!" I gasped

"Umm...I could ask you the same question, your all acting wierd!" He said back, wiping the nearly dry blood from his chin, which had now left a red stain on his chin. I grabbed jack by the arm and spun him round.

"We have to tell him!" I whispered, I think everyone was listening in though

Jack paused for a moment.

"Alright.." He replied dryly

"umm...Dylan..!" Jack whispered stubbing the tip of his foot into the ground.

"NO WAY!" Dylan chorused after forever listening to us explain everything.

"Wait...So I was dead....I was dating Ramona...not Summer...and somehow you fixed this by Summer's trip to the past?!?!" Dylan said, repeating everything we had just explained.

"Yes!" I sighed

"Okay, so your turn, what happened lately?!" Isabelle asked

"Wait!" Ramona whispered "Listen!"

We froze ad listened carefully, I heard footsteps getting closer, brushing against bushes, a lot of footsteps, very near. Then you didn't need Vampire hearing to hear the footsteps.

We jumped up on our feet and ran, everyone in different directions. The world around me was a blur I heard someone fast approaching behind me. I ran as fast as I could, dodging every tree and branch that shot past me, I came to a river and I sped up and then leaped! The water beneath me a blur. I landed on the other side in a crouch, but something didn't feel right.

There was no one following behind. I stopped turning around to see Zane angry on the other side of the river.

"Summer, get back now!" Zane shouted, I saw his teeth snap down, I never saw Zane this angry.

I didn't move from my spot. Zane considered jumping but didn't.

"GET HERE NOW SUMMER!" he was being serious, I felt something strong behind me and I jumped aross under reflex. Zane grabbed me as soon as I was in reach. He pinned me down on the ground and I couldn't move.

"Are you STUPID?! or just plain suicidal?!" Zane hissed at me, still holding me down.

"I don't know!" I hissed bak "What's across the river?"

Zane didn't answer me.

"WHat am I going to do with you, my father wants to torture and use you becasue your smarter than other Vampires and also easier to mess with!"

I was a bit taken aback.

Zane got off me in a blink of an eye and scraped a hand through his hair and smashed his fist into the nearest tree, the tree snapped straight in half, before it even knew it.

Zane shot over to me and pinned me against a tree, he stared straight into my eyes, then I felt a warm sensation on my lips, It didn't last long enough.

"I love you Summer, and I can't stay away from you." Zane whispered, he looked as shocked as I did.

I didn't say a word.

"I won't let my father hurt you." he finished

Then he swung me over his shoulder and the world around us beame a messy blur of colours.

I was slammed onto a hard marble floor,Everyone else was already there, they had obviously got caught too.it hurt Zane to watch.Everything was going so fast, rushed.

"Well, you lot seriously need to stay out of trouble." A deep familiar voice boomed. Derick.

"Anyway, your lucky, because you lot have got school, and I won't have to keep you out of trouble!"

"Come on!" Zane said as gently as possibly, which came out as a croak.

Me and the others rushed up the satirs and got ready.


I think this book isgetting worse and worse, I'm considering stopping writing it, becasue I am kinda getting a tad bored writing it, anyone else agree?

I'm sorry that it took like forever to upDATE :p i'M A BUSY BEE

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