Multiple Situations

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"Now, how about we forget this entire conversation?" I said smiling a big smile,I looked right into his crimson eyes, it made me shudder. He moved his hand to my shoulder in a blink of eye. I was now being pulled away from the stairs and out of the palace door, He grip tightened every time I tried to pull away, but, it didn't get me far. I was pushed against the wall, he released his grip on me.

Xavier looked down at me, looking a bit shocked. I rolled my eyes.

"I swear to hell, if you point out the fact I'm small...I'll..I'll..." I said annoyed, I couldn't finish.

What could I do to him?

"You'll What?" He growled in reply. He narrowed his eyes. I remained quiet. Xavier smirked.

"Exactly." He said, stalking closer to me. I leant back agaist the wall a bit worried. His smirk grew wider.

"Come on, I didn't know you were a royal, It's not like I know these things, Zane never even mentioned you..." My words were interupted by Xavier.

"Yeah, Well, Me and Zane aren't really on the same page, he likes to obey our father, I however do not give a damn about what he wants to do, I don't want to be part of his new life, he wants our kind to behave, but I think we should just what we want...for all I care Zane, Father and Mother can go drive stakes through their hearts. Lucy, well she has this thing for changing sides, so I'm not sure what I'll do with her. It's the reason I left, and I only came back for one reason." He stopped looking at me strangely.

"Oh, Why did you come back?" I asked curiously, he didn't seem much of a threat at the moment.

"None of your business, you should be concerned for your life." Xavier hissed, grabbing my neck. He lifted me off the ground, I grasped his hands but they were too strong to even budge, I coughed, but Xavier got distracted by someone coming out of the palace.

"Xavier, put her down!" A strong masculine voice spoke I immediately recognised it as Zane's, he was standing angrily outside almost looking like a tomato with the amount of anger rising inside him.

"Good timing Zane, we were just having a wonderful conversation." I said between breaths, Xavier tightened his grip on my neck and I became quiet.

"Ah, little brother so glad you came along." Xavier started with no emotion in his voice, he grinned at Zane and then released me quickly, which kind of took me by surprise.

I dropped to the ground lifting my head quick enough to see Xavier walk over to Zane, he didn't seem to flinch, Zane stood tall watching his brother strut over to him.

Once I had got off the ground I shook myself off and felt my neck, which now was sore, but it would heal soon.

I jumped as soon as a loud crash came from where Zane and Xavier now stood, they were fighting, well more of wrestling, it became a blur as they travelled further into the woods, I didn't know what to do, I couldn't interfere, this was a 'brother' thing, but I did interfere with Jack's brotherly moment, but that didn't turn out well. So maybe I should go and get the others and let them sort it out, yep, that sounds good.

I rushed in to the palace at human running speed, and screamed.

"EVERYONE GET DOWNSTAIRS, BECAUSE I CAN'T BE ASKED TO GO UPSTAIRS!" My voice almost broke, I didn't even need to shout, it just emphasized the fact that the situation was bad, very bad.

At first no one seemed to be getting the message, I tapped my foot impatiently. Then before I knew it Ramona and Isabelle were in front of me, a small whir of the air as they basically flew through it.

They both stood arms crossed and they tapped one foot.

"What is it Summer?" Ramona asked impatiently, then Jason, Jack and Nathan were downstairs, unsure of what was going on, the last to arrive in a stately manor was the Royals. Grumpy, as always!

Teen Vampires (Re-writing/Discontinuing)Where stories live. Discover now