Chapter 19

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Chapter 19:
Love Wasn't Done Just Yet

The night sky was a cold, vast expanse, which enveloped the earth like a blanket littered with small dots of fire, too far away to be felt, but burning nonetheless. Its darkness emphasized the array of heavenly bodies shimmering like fine glitters, giving it a youthful glow. It appeared mysterious, eerie, calm, tranquil, but most of all entrancing. Oikawa can't help but look at it and wondered if there are other life forms up there.

His eyes landed on his Patek Philippe wristwatch, checking the time as he fidgeted on the front porch, growing impatient while waiting for his date. He shoved his hands inside the pockets of his trench coat, leaning against one of the posts in his old suburban house in Miyagi.

Oikawa missed the feeling of the cold, night breeze touching his skin, it was nothing compared to the one in Tokyo - polluted, irritating, and very unwelcoming.

A faint smile traced his lips when his gaze caught the glimpse of a used tire, hanging loosely by a rope attached to the branch of the oak tree in their front yard. It brought him a lot of memories from his childhood, how he and Iwaizumi used to goof around and bicker who's swinging and who's pushing. He swiveled his head to the wooden fence's gate when he heard the irritating honk of Iwaizumi's car.

A tall, dark yet extremely handsome guy with a manly physique rushed outside of it as he opened the door for Oikawa. Iwaizumi was wearing a jet black mackintosh coat, a white inner polo, and a pair of off-white jeans. The light from the lampposts caught his face, emphasizing his mesmerizing features, his manly smile stirred a peculiar feeling in Oikawa. His eyes were intense, the pair green orbs in his eye sockets were like hypnotic gems, like portals to another dimension that could lure every being that stares at them. Iwaizumi was captivating to say the very least. 

"Sorry, love. It took an hour for me to drive from Tokyo to Miyagi, plus, I have to look extra attractive for my date." He saw him wink in his peripheral vision. Iwaizumi's teasing expression made Oikawa flush a lovely shade of rose. He tried to ignore the man and went inside his car, folding his right leg over the other, as his fingers fiddled on his lap.

"Can we eat at Granny's diner?" He pouted, looking over his shoulders as Iwaizumi revved the engine and stepped on the accelerator.

A faint giggle escaped from Iwaizumi's lips, as his right hand found its way to Oikawa's, intertwining his fingers as he spoke, "I can't do that. I already have plans for the both of us for tonight." A sweet smile crossed Oikawa's lips, as he stared at Iwaizumi in awe. The swarm of butterflies inside his stomach fluttered uncontrollably, tickling his insides, as he chuckled faintly.

The drive was slow and smooth. As much as it irritated Oikawa, he couldn't help but blush at how extra careful Iwaizumi was driving, knowing that he is with him, he felt safe and secure. They went downhill where they passed by several suburban houses, their designs were almost alike. Oikawa's face collapsed into a frown as he cocked a brow, tilting his head lightly. He batted his eyes a couple times as he turned to Iwaizumi, who pulled the car into a stop. "A-An old, abandoned building?" Oikawa swallowed the lump that formed inside his throat, starting to sweat buckets, as he scrutinized the building in terror.

"Iwa~!" He gasped, his palm covered his mouth, as Iwaizumi tied a handkerchief around his eyes, blinding him. Oikawa couldn't see a thing, and he was already starting to panic. He grabbed Iwaizumi by the arm and clung to him, his body quivering when he thought he heard a baby's laugh. "Iwa-chan let's go home!" Tears started to stream down from his eyes, but they were absorbed into the cloth around his head. He nudged Iwaizumi by the elbow when the man chuckled at his expense.

"Relax, just hold on tight." Iwaizumi smiled reassuringly, even though Oikawa couldn't see him. He planted a small kiss on the tip of his nose, which made Oikawa blush, much to his delight.

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