Bonus Chapter 1

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Bonus Chapter 1:
A Parallel Universe

Best Mistake Alternate Ending

In a span of three years, a lot had changed in both Oikawa and Iwaizumi's lives.

Oikawa had been promoted to Chief Creative Officer of ArtMart Tokyo, and was now one of Japan's best marketing, media, and branding experts. His longtime boyfriend and childhood sweetheart, Iwaizumi already stepped out of his enigmatic and mysterious image as the Phoenix. His brand of art was making rounds not only in Japan, but also worldwide.

Iwaizumi juggles his time being a renowned artist, successful businessman, and a supportive boyfriend to Oikawa. Sure they've come along way, and they've already reached their dreams - only one thing was left.

It was a fine Monday. Oikawa stood up as he stretched his body, his eyes itchy from staring at the computer screen for hours.

He fished for his phone inside his pocket when it rang. Oikawa smiled as he slid the screen to the right and picked up the call.

"Hello, Love?" He was greeted by a raspy voice on the other line, and he chuckled when he heard Iwaizumi yawn.

"Yes, Iwa-chan? What made you call?"

"I just missed you." He smiled. It wasn't the first time Iwaizumi called him for that reason, but it still elicited an exhilarating feeling from within him every time.

"I miss you too," Oikawa giggled.

"I'll be going home late tonight, because my meetings are piled up today." Iwaizumi groaned as he rolled his eyes, even though Oikawa couldn't see him.

"Okay, sure. Don't stress yourself too much okay? Take a break every once in a while." Oikawa had a hint of concern in his voice. He propped his elbow on top of his other hand as he pouted.

"Yes, wifey." Iwaizumi teased. Oikawa could tell that he was suppressing his laughs from the other line.

"I'm a guy and we're not married." Oikawa said matter-of-factly.

"Not yet."

"Whatever!" Oikawa rolled his eyes as an ear-to-ear smile crept up his face. "I have to hang up now, bye! I love you!"

"I love you, too!"

Oikawa stared at the screen for a while, his wide smile never leaving his face. He bit his lower lip as a soft giggle escaped his lips, unable to suppress the giddy feeling he felt when Iwaizumi called.

His mood changed suddenly, however when he remembered Iwaizumi hadn't greeted him yet. It was his twenty-fifth birthday and Oikawa couldn't believe that he possibly forgot it.

"Was that Iwaizumi-san?" He was cut off his reverie, and swung his head to the side where he saw a guy of average height. He has light grey hair and a slender build. Oikawa frowned at Kōshi's teasing smile.

"Who else would I say 'I love you' to, Suga-san?" Oikawa smirked, his sarcastic retort earning a chuckle from him.

"How would I know? You're a flirt!" He teased, and Oikawa shot a profane look at him. The look on Oikawa's face disappeared as soon as it came when the both of them exchanged giggles.

"What was it this time?"

"The usual. He randomly missed me, again." The brunette pursed his lips as he muttered a soft 'thanks' when Kōshi handed him a cup of coffee. "He's just being his clingy self."

"After all your efforts, you finally succeeded. You finally have him head over heels in love with you, Oikawa-san." Kōshi remarked in a jest, and Oikawa was quick to chop his sides.

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