Bonus Chapter 2

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Bonus Chapter 2:
Azi's Bedtime Story

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Iwaizumi was completely immersed in the newspaper he was holding as he propped his left leg over the other.

Footsteps scuffed against the tiles as a young girl draped an arm around his neck, and attacked him with a kiss. "Goodnight, Daddy." The nine-year old Czari smiled sweetly, as she gently nuzzled her cheek against her father's.

"Good night, Czarina! Sleep well." Iwaizumi gave her a goodnight kiss before she went running towards the staircase.

"Czari?" Iwaizumi called, stopping Czari in her tracks. She swiveled her head back to the living room, as she shifted her weight on one leg and cocked a brow. "Yes, Daddy?"

"Your sister, Azi? Is she in bed already?" Iwaizumi pursed his lips, his eyes switching from one article on the newspaper to another.

Czari shook her head vehemently even though her father wasn't looking her way and crossed her arms in front of her chest. "Azalea won't listen to me, Daddy. She's already in her PJs, but she's still on the porch with Prada."

Iwaizumi was left with no choice but to put down the newspaper he was holding. He heaved a deep breath, as he rolled his eyes and headed outside.

A smile crept up his face when he saw the figure of his youngest daughter, sitting on the doorstep with her pet nestled in her lap.

Iwaizumi slowly sat beside her, and she didn't even dare to look his way. He stared at her awestruck expression, as her eyes gazed the night sky.

Iwaizumi smiled as he continued to marvel at his adopted child. She was a wonderful kid, as wonderful as Czari.

Azi reminded him of Oikawa a lot. She pretty much resembled his features. Azi has pitch-brown locks that is always tied in a neat pigtail. A few strands of her hair cascaded over her forehead, and it pretty much complimented her bright hazel eyes.

Like Oikawa, she beared one of the most powerful and expressive pair of eyes Iwaizumi had seen his whole life. She had this innocent expression on her face, and she is always filled with curiosity.

She pretty much reflected Oikawa's bubbly attitude, but she was as stubborn, as Iwaizumi could get.

Azalea was like their daughter because her personality and appearance was a perfect mixture of Oikawa and his, to say the least. Which was probably the reason he adopted her, back when she was only a few months old.

"You're thinking so deep, I think I'm gonna drown in your thoughts." Iwaizumi said in a jest, as a soft giggle escaped his lips.

"Ah~!" The three year-old squealed in shock as her tiny hands cupped her face. Her father's statement cutting her off from her trance.

"Relax, it's just Daddy."

"You scared me!" Azi retorted, as she hugged Iwaizumi tightly and stared back at the skies. She had a great penchant for stars and other heavenly bodies. And as ironic as it sounded, like Oikawa, she thought aliens were real.

"Daddy, why is Prada not eating?" She pouted. Azi tried to feed her with another loaf of bread again, but the Pomeranian Husky rejected once more.

"You just fed her an hour ago, she's still full." Iwaizumi smirked, his daughter's eyebrows furrowed, as she shot him a quizzical look.

"But that's an hour ago!"

"Let's get you to bed now, little one." Iwaizumi shrugged off his daughter's tantrums, as he patted her head lightly. He tried to pick her up, but she resisted.

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