Chapter Two

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Still Nico's P.o.v

when i woke up i yowned, streghed my arms and put my head back on the desk. This is usually the way i wake up. The lighting was pretty dim. I decited to trun on my lamp. I reatched out to turn my lamp, but i could find my lamp. All i could find was hot air. I looked to my left where my lamp should be and saw a candle where my lamp was.

"Where is my lamp," i thought to myself. Then i looked straight in front of me where my computer should be and it was not there. All I saw was a stone wall. "What!? My house dosen't have stone walls! Why is there a stone wall?" I thought to myself. I then looked at the desk. The desk was a old wooden desk.

"this is not my desk! My desk is white!" I yelled out making everyone wake up. I head a thud. I turned to find OmNom on the florr where the cot should be, Jon in a Bed, Kc in another Bed and Kenzie on the floor. She might be the one who fell and made the thud when i yelled.

"What's wrong?" OmNom asked as she got off the floor.

"I'm up," kenzie said as she quickly jumped to her feet.

Kenzie's P.o.v

I woke up to a yell that scrared me and making me roll off the bed.

"What's wrong?" I heard OmNom ask, but before anyone could answer i yelled "I'm up," as i jumped to my feet.

That's when I noticed OmNom's clothes.OmNom was wearing a green sweater vest, a little green hat, black pants, and black shoes.

"OmNom were you wearing that outfit earlier?" I asked. She looked down at what she was wearing. "No! What the heck," she said.

I then looked at Nico. She was completly gold. Her hair, her skin, her clothes, her everything was gold. Even her eyes i think. i can't really see in this light. Her clothes were a little strange too. She was wearing a golden short with golden pants, and golden shoes. she also waer what looked like a scarph over her hair and she had a golden sword tied to her belt.

"Nico why are you golden?" I asked.

"What?" she said as she look down at her outfit. "Oh my god! I am golden!"

"What's going on," i heard Kc and Jon say.

I looked at Kc who was now standing on the other side of the bed. The first thing I noticed with her was that she had pigs ears on her head, but they are cute little pig ears and she also had a pigs tail. She was wearing a pinkish purple short, brown pants with black shoes, and it looked like someone died her hair pink.

"Kc why do you have pig ears and a pigs tail?" I asked.

"What!? No I," she said as she put her hand on her head.

"Oh..My..God! I have pig ears! she yelled.

"What?" Jon said looking really confused.

I looked at Jon He had a gray short, black pants, and black shoes. He looked normal so i didn't say anything.

Nico's P.o.v

"Why am I golden" I thounght to my self.

I looked at Kenzie. She was not  wearing what she fell aslepp in. She was wearing a short that said *Brofist* on it with blue jeans, and black convers. Sha had headphones around her neck. She kinda looked like Pewdiepie. "Wait a minture! Kenzie looks like Pewdiepie, Kc looks like Piggeh, OmNom looks like MR.Chair, Jon i am guessing looks like Jenniffer, and oh my god i must look like Stephano," I thounght to myself.

" Oh my god! Kenzie you look like Pewdiepie!" I said. she looked down at her outfit.

"Omg! I'm Pewdiepie! Awsome!" she said super happy. she then looked at me.

"You must be Stephano," she said "And Kc you are Piggeh, OmNom your Mr. Chair, and Jon your Jenniffer."

"What! Cool! I wonder if I can go into chair mode. Chair mode activated! Boop!" Om Nom said as she became a chair.

"Wow!" i said as i stepped back. 

"Cool! I wonder if i could change into a rock. How do you change into a rock?" as he said that became a rock. "Nevermind." I laughed. It was a little funny. 

"Dose that mean I can change into a pig?" Kc asked and as she said that she became a died pig.

"Ya but you are a died pig. Dude I can see your ribs," Kenzie said pointing at Kc's ribs.

"Ahh! I am not a cute little pig?" she asked. 

"Nope,' I said.

We then heard footsteps and a growl outside the door.

"oh no! It's a bro. No one move, but Jon get under the bed but stay a rock. Nico you can hide in the closet with me," she said as she jumped in the closet. I made sure Jon was under the bed before jumping into the closet. I jumped in just in time because when I shut the closet door i saw a bro smash the door to the room down. "We must be trapped in Amnesia," i thought to myself. Me and Kenzie didn't say a word. we didn't even dare to breath we were so screared. Kenzie put her hand over her mouth and a little bit over her nose to tey and stop her harvey breathing. she was more sceared then me. I could tell. I tried my best to stay calm and calm my breathing. I could heard the bro walk around the room and then out the door, but me and Kenzie didn't dare to move. I think everybody was scaered too because we all stayed where we were for i think a good hour or so until we heard OmNom said "All clear."


Hey Bros

Chapter Two done! I started writing charper two last night and finished this morning and had time to type it up. I am working on chapter three and it might be up by night or tomorrow. I hope you guys liked chapter two and don't forget to leave a comment and a vote! bye!


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