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*Riley's POV*

"M-Mom it's not what it looks like!!" I stuttered.
"Then why are you stuttering?~" she asked. I blushed and she squealed jumping around.
"BOYS! Come down! Riley has FINALLY gotten a boyfriend!!~" she squealed again and I hear loud steps coming from upstairs.
Oh my Irene.
"SHE WHAT?!" They all screamed.
"Yes! Look she got a text from Someone named 'L Boo ❤️😍'" she said shoving my phone in their faces.

I'm so glad I changed Laurance's name.
"OH MY IRENE! I CANT WAIT FOR SMALL RILEYS RUNNING AROUND!" I blushed a deep shade of red and my brothers glared at me.
"M-Mom! As I said it's not what it looks like!" I said.
She giggled a little but checked my phone again.
"The why is this person flirting with you? Or is it a girl? Oh my Irene Riley why didn't you tell me-" I waved my arms in front of her face.
"N-NO! It's not like that!"

My mom kept squealing and jumping around whilst my brothers were standing there with angry expressions.

*sigh* I love my brothers but they can be a real pain sometimes..

Let's just keep this explanation short.
I was helping mom in the kitchen when my phone buzzed and a notification showed up on my screen.

My mother was close to my phone, and couldn't help but take a peek at it.

~L Boo ❤️😍~
-if you were a booger I'd pick you first 😉

One of Laurance's adorable/weird pick up lines. He knows I find it annoying but at the same time cute. So he keeps doing it.
Oh and it didn't stop there.

~L Boo ❤️😍~
The only thing I want to change about you, is your last name 😉

I knew he was just joking, but my mom really took it the wrong way.
My mom loves romance and happy endings, she watches a lot of romantic comedies. A reason I hate them, they're literally on all the time.

"Have I met him? Is he good looking? When's the wedding?" She asked. At first I thought she was joking but when I saw she wasn't I blushed.
"M-MOM!" She pinched my cheeks.
"Oh I'm sorry honey, it's just.. I really want you to.. You know move on.. After what happened" she said placing her hand on my shoulder.
I looked down.
"Plus, the boys really need to meet a boy that won't break your heart. They're worried about you too". I nodded and a tear fell down my cheek.

I hugged mom and she hugged me back.
Vylad and Garroth quickly joined the hug. Zane has always hated hugs, so I was surprised when he joined too. A smile spread across my face.

After a few minutes we pulled apart.
"Ok kids! Go and get ready! Savannah and Aphmau are coming in an hour" she said half singing half talking. She does that sometimes.

Me and my brothers walked to our rooms and my eyes widened when I saw a dress laying on my green covered bed.


I sighed, but quickly ran to the bathroom before any of the boys could get there.

I was standing in my room again. Looking at the short blue dress on my bed. I sighed and put it on.
I hate when mom buys me clothes, they're mostly very expensive and I always feel bad if I don't wear them.

And she knows that. I curled my hair for the heck of it. And walked downstairs to the kitchen.
Mom turned around and gasped.

She suddenly started tearing up.
"You're growing up so fast.." She sobbed.
I sighed and walked over to her. I hugged her.

"Mom, I'm not growing up any time soon. You know me. And I'll always be your little girl" I said.

"That boy is very lucky" she said wiping her tears away.

"M-Mom it's not like that. We're just friends and he likes to tease me a lot" Why did it hurt, when I said that?

"Yeah, yeah. Oh and if you text Laurance again tell him I said hi" I froze.

"H-how?" She grinned.

"Mother knows best, and don't worry I'm not telling anyone" she said returning to the food.

I walked away from the kitchen still a bit shocked.
How did she know? Was it obvious?

Ugh, why is my mind set on these things?
We're just friends.

I shook my head and walked back to my room.

*30 minutes later*

I heard the doorbell and I squealed.
I ran downstairs, followed by Garroth of course.

He seemed pretty nervous. I smirked.

Mom opened the door and Savannah and Aphmau walked in. I smirked even wider when Garroth said she looked stunning.

Well this is gonna be an interesting evening.

Yes, I'm continuing with that.
So, I wanna thank you all for the questions! But remember my birthday is the 29th so you guys can still ask some more questions! There's no limit, so feel free to ask whatever you want (I'll answer the questions I'm comfortable with XD)
And I really didn't know what to do with this chapter tbh XD

~ Elsa.Senpaii
Instagram: Elsa.Senpaii

The Ro'Meave sister - (Aphmau) Fanfic Laurance X OC (DISCONTINUED)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt