British Boy

593 32 18

*Riley's POV*

I walked with Dante, looking for The white haired Freshman.

"How's it going with teaching Travis your "oh so amazing moves" on girls" I said smirking.

"He's..... Got a lot to learn I'll tell you that" Dante said.

"I don't really know if you're the right guy to teach him though.." I said.

"What?! I'm the perfect teacher!" He said. U raised an eyebrow.

"Really? I read your book and almost half of the steps are about butts, or very stupid pick up lines" I said, taking the book and giving it to him.

"Hey! It's not that simple you know!" He said.

Then he got that look, the look he gets when he comes up with some idea that always goes wrong.

"How about... We switch things up a little" he smirked.

Oh no.


And here I am, in the girls locker room with Aphmau that ALSO questioned his "skills".

So now we're apparently going to dress up as guys and try to ATLEAST get one girl's number each, by the end of the day.

I put on the uniform and I fixed my hair with some hairspray, and put on a beanie. Making sure my hair does not look as long.

I fixed it so my hair kinda looked like Zane's.. but cooler.

I turned around and Aphmau had put on her uniform and fixed her hair.

"Ok.. if you were a guy I'd have a crush on you, just so you know" Aphmau said.

I laughed.

"I'm going all in, It's time to prove Dante wrong" I smirked.

We highfived and I took off my blazer, holding it so it hung over my shoulder instead.

We walked out and the guys laughed but then stopped.

"Wait.. Why do you actually look like a hot guy?" Travis asked me, his eyes widening.

"Magic" I winked.

"There, Now you girls have until the end of the school day to get a girl's number as BOYS" Dante smirked.

Aphmau snickered.

"This will be easy" She said.

"You can't let your girlfriends that its you either, you have to make sure they think you're some kind of new kid or something" Dante said.

Well, scratch that plan.

Aphmau immediatly went to some girls with a terrible pick up line in store.

I decided to just walk another way.

I put my hands in my pockets and just walked through the crowded halls.

Someone tapped my shoulder and I turned around.

"Well hello there.." 

Ivy. With her little friends behind her.

I was about to roll my eyes but I got an idea.

"Hello, gorgeous" I said with a deeper voice. Smiling, a fake smile.

She giggled, wich almost made my ears bleed.

"Are you new?  I havent seen you around before" she asked.

The Ro'Meave sister - (Aphmau) Fanfic Laurance X OC (DISCONTINUED)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt