I can't

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*Riley's POV*

I woke up feeling as bad as I did before. I walked out of my room to the bathroom, I almost screamed when I saw my reflection. I didn't even look like me. I saw a heartbroken mess, and her before blue eyes weren't as alive anymore.

I couldn't act like that anymore. I rubbed my eyes and took a shower. I blowdried my hair and made it look quite decent. I walked out to my room in my towel and put on my underwear and uniform.

I looked at myself and sighed. It didn't look like me. I quickly grabbed my favorite beanie and put it on my head. Better.

I looked in the mirror once more and actually smiled. I'm getting through this. 

I ran downstairs smiling, and grabbed an apple. 

"Hey brothers" I skipped to the table were all my brothers sat.

"Now that's the smile I've missed. Are you feeling better?" Garroth said.

I nodded. I actually am.

We all decided to walk together to school. We were talking, laughing and having a great time. I have missed times like these. Even Zane was smiling, even though he's kinda in a 'I love darkness' Phase.

I jumped up on Garroth's back, and I stayed there until we were at the school doors.

"We gotta get to class. By Ryan and Gargar" Vylad waved whilst Zane dragged him away.

Garroth and I said bye to eachother and I walked away. I was about to go into my classroom when I got stopped.

"Well, hello there Gorgeous" He said smirking.

I rolled my eyes.

"What do you want Gene?" I said crossing my arms and leaning against the lockers.

He also leaned against the lockers.

"What? I just wanted to say hi.." He inched closer and I backed away.

Genes smirk grew even wider and I rose an eyebrow. I tried walking away but he took my hand and spun me around so I was in his chest, and a lot closer to him.

I heard a growl, weird. I tried getting out of his embrace but he wouldn't let go.

"Let m-" I got interrupted by a voice in an angry tone.

"Let her go Gene.." Gene didn't fully let go, he just let go of my waist and kept an arm around. Now I could see who it was.


I quickly looked down at the ground. I can't look at him right now. But I could feel his eyes on me.

"And why would I do that?" Gene said.

Gene leaned down by my ear.

"I know you like him, and I know what happened" He whispered.

I looked up and my eyes widened. 

Laurance saw my reaction.

"What did you say?" Laurance said slightly annoyed.

"Ask Riley" He said smirking. He let go of me and walked away. I was frozen in place. Then I realised something.

Laurance doesn't know about the kiss. Wait.. if Gene knows about it.. then he.. omg.

I have to talk to Aphmau later.

"Riley are you ok?" Laurance said grabbing my arms, sligtly bending his knees. So he's at my length.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine. It's just.. I'm late for class" he let go of my arms and I couln't help but miss the touch.

The Ro'Meave sister - (Aphmau) Fanfic Laurance X OC (DISCONTINUED)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt