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Hello fraaaaands!
So, as you have noticed this is not a regular chapter.
It's a.... CHAPTER THAT NO ONE WILL READ! *cough* I mean a Q&A! (Oh I'm so funny)
IM TURNING 13!! Wohoooo
Thank you all that wished me a happy birthday, you all rock! You guys have made me a lot happier ever since I uploaded. And a lot of you have made a smile come to my face. You guys help me more then you think :)
(And by the way, the picture is ma face XD)


(You both had similar questions if you're confused)
Q: will you have a contest for other characters?
A: I actually don't know, I've never had one of those. I feel like it would be fun to test out though.

Adiya Plays
Q: will you make the sections longer?
A: some chapters in my story will be longer then others. It depends on the PDH episode and where I want to put Riley in it. But I will try and make them longer :)

Q: if you could have one mythical animal as a pet what would it be?
A: a dragon, I used to be obsessed with dragons XD. It was either that or a unicorn

Q: Who do you ship from Aphmau's role plays?
A: Laurmau, Travlyn and Gaurance/Larroth.

Ash is filled with determination
Q: Will you write anything else Aphmau Related?
A: yes, I'm pretty sure. My stories will probably be in the different universes with Riley. (I love her character XD)

Q: where did you get the amazing idea of this story?
A: first of all, thank you :) that means a lot. Idk if my story is that amazing but I got my idea from watching Aphmau's videos.  I wanted to add a character that was a little bit different from all the other characters.


Q: do you have any animals?
A: Yup, a cat named Elvis. :)

Thank you all for the questions! I love you all so much, and know that you make everyday my birthday! Because I've never felt so happy, like I am now.

Thank you.

The Ro'Meave sister - (Aphmau) Fanfic Laurance X OC (DISCONTINUED)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt