Chapter 4: What did I get myself into?

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Welp I'm back y'all . sorry for the *LONG* wait , I just didn't feel motivated but I got my self motivated also don't hesitate to comment what you think. I appreciate it , and with a further a do.



Naruto rolled to the side as he avoided Inuyasha's attack. He did a quick backflip, catching the hanyou with a kick to his chin. Inuyasha growled in anger and lunged at the ninja again.

The group had been tracking him down since he had taken their shards. Of course he had left them a clear trail. He had been searching for the best place to engage them. But it appeared that when Inuyasha had sensed him having stopped moving he forced the group into an all night march.

So they had caught up.

But now the majority were dead tired and no match for him and even though Inuyasha refused to show it even his movements were more sluggish and clumsier than normal and that was saying something.

Naruto sighed. Inuyasha was strong, but he could be so much stronger if he actually fought like a fighter instead of a brawler. With a side step Inuyasha's claws barely grazed his cheek and with a chakra enforced punch right into the red clad half demons gut, the Hanyou doubled over in a coughing fit. Naruto couldn't blame him, he had packed enough chakra in that fist to make over 100 shadow clones.

"Next time don't leave yourself so wide open. First shinobi technique: Taijutsu." He said in a similar tone to that of his old senseis when he did something wrong.


'The monk!' Naruto turned around and saw Miroku as he threw several of his Sutra at Naruto.

The young Anbu leapt into the air and back flipped to land safely in a tree branch.


Naruto's head snapped around in the direction he had heard the voice. "WHAT?!"

He barely registered the sight of Sango's massive boomerang before it plowed straight through the tree he had claimed as his perch.

He grunted in slight pain as he hit the ground. Luckily he was able to roll with it and got to his feet much quicker than what most would have been able to do were they in his position.

A shift in the air caught his attention and he caught an arrow, that would have hit him in the thigh, between his thumb and index finger. He looked at the point and then turned to the girl who fired it. "You could have hit me!" He mocked.

Kagome sweatdropped but then her temper flared. Was he insulting her?

'THAT JERK!' She mentally yelled before notching another arrow, this one glowed with miko energy.

'Ohhhhh, shit!' Naruto mentally yelped before sprinting away to avoid the demented one's arrows.

As he finally escaped Kagome's firing range the blond could breath again. Geeze, if he didn't know any better he'd say they were trying to kill him...

"HA!" Came Sango's voice as she slammed Her Hiraikotsu down in an attempt tocleave him in two from head to toe.

The blond side stepped and as Sango's boomerang slammed into the earth he swiftly placed his foot down on top of it, stopping her from lifting it up again.

Sango didn't even blink before she took out the sword she always kept as a backup and swiped at the blond.

As if it was done by magic a kunai was in Naruto's hands and he blocked the young demon slayers blade with his own. With his free hand he took out another kunai and moved to slice at her.

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