Chapter 25: Midoriko's message

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Hehehehe, I'm back.


It had been three days since the fateful battle against Naraku and the Inu group was in an understandably somber state. Not many words were spoken between them, each of the groups lost in their own thoughts and trying to recover from Naruto's...death.

Kagome had removed the shards from Inuyasha's neck with her Miko abilities, abilities that she had received ironically from the person they were all now mourning.

It was just so surreal, they had been talking to him just the other day and then he was just...gone. It had all happened so fast.

Shippou, Kagome and Sango had cried that day and most of the next. Kagura had become much more reserved and rarely spoke to anyone unless they addressed her first. Miroku, ever the peaceful monk had been chanting prayers for Naruto almost the entire time.

Inuyasha however was by far the worst of them. He had barely said two words to them during the entire three days and had taken up residence in a tree branch. They had tried to get him to come down but it had been to no avail.

Kagome looked into the happily dancing flames with dull eyes. Miroku was meditating against a tree, Sango was half heartedly sharpening Hiraikotsu, Shippou, his eyes puffy from crying was asleep in her sleeping bag, with Kirara wrapped around him, Kagura was currently resting on a tree branch, with her back against the trunk and Inuyasha...

He was still in the same spot he had been for the last three days. With his back to them his left foot dangled from the tree branch.

She sighed and stood, walking over until she was at the base of the tree he was on. "Inuyasha." She called hoping he would at least acknowledge her. He did not.

She sighed. "Inuyasha please, come down. It wasn't your fault lets talk about this."

He didn't move.

She held back her tears, born from both sadness and frustration and took a deep breath, she was too tired, physically, mentally and emotionally to negotiate with him all night, maybe tomorrow he would be more reasonable.

With a small sigh she turned and walked over to the fire before opening her sleeping bag and crawling in next to Kirara and Shippou.

Kagura listened to the girls breathing as it steadied and evened out, indicating she had fallen asleep. Miroku was in a deep trance like state, no doubt trying to calm his mind due to the events of the last few days, Sango was also only half aware of her surroundings. She stood and leapt from her branch, landing silently next to Inuyasha and putting a hand on his shoulder, startling him.

"Your coming with me." She said in a harsh whisper before she took out her fan and the two of them vanished in a small tornado that went unnoticed by those in the camp.

Meanwhile, Kagome's sleep was not as peaceful as it seemed.


Kagome's dreamscape:

Kagome groaned as she opened her eyes only to find herself directly infront of a horde of Yokai that were only three feet infront of her their jaws wide open in preparation to devour her.

She screamed in reflex and leapt back, her hand reflexively moving towards her bow, only to find the weapon was missing. She began to panic when she noticed that the Yokai were moving no further. She looked a little closer and noticed a faint pink barier holding them back. 'A barrier?'

She looked around for a few moments before the faint outline of a woman formed infront of her, she was almost transparent, the upper part of her body was visible while her legs were nearly invisible, only the small fluctuation in the air outlined them.

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