Chapter 11: Back on the road

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Here's a new chapter that I hope you all enjoy.


Naruto smiled as he stared at Kagome. Four months. Four months they had been training up here on this hill. She had grown in all areas. She wasn't an bexpert, far from it infact. But she had grown. Her control was now a little beneath what he had seen from Kikyo and far below from what he had seen from Midoriko but compared to what she had before, she had improved exponentially.

He had continued to make clones and sent them to Inuyasha and co. back at Kaede's village n order to continue his instruction with them.

But that was not the extraordinary part nooo, the extraordinary part was the sheer amount of power she held. If he had to guess, she was just beneath Midoriko, given a few more years and she may very well surpass her, just like the great Miko had said.

"Good. You've gotten much stronger since we first arrived."

Kagome smiled and blushed at the slight praise. "So ummm, what's next?"

Naruto shook his head. "Nothing. I have already taught you everything you need to know, you just have to build on it and refine it on your own."

Kagome blinked and stared. "So you mean, were done?"

Naruto nodded.

It took a few moments for Kagome's mind to catch up with what was said but when it did she gave an ear piercing squeal of delight and jumped up once clapping her hands. Before Naruto could say anything he felt himself being embraced in a spine snapping hug.

"THANKYOU, THANKYOU,THANKYOU,THANKYOU,THANKYOU!" She squealed, making his ears ring.

He chuckled slightly and gently pried himself free. "Well now, I think a reunion is in order, isn't it?"

She nodded with a smile on her face and immediately went to go pack up her belongings. Ever since their 'conversation' she seemed more at peace with herself. It was a subtle thing, but for one who had known her it was clear as day, she flowed with a strange feeling of contentment and glowed with a new happiness that simply wasn't there before.

He smiled at her form. He was able to heal or at least treat the wounds of her heart and now, all he could do, was watch and wait for the situation to play out.


"KAGOME!" Came Shippou's cheerful reply as he ran forward and lunged into the girls arms. His new speed and leg strength giving him enough power to nearly knock her over. Infact, if it wasn't for the hand to hand training she had done with Naruto over her four month period she was pretty sure he would have.

"Hey Shippou, you've gotten stronger there." She remarked as she held him up and smiled down at him.

The little Kitsune beamed at the praise, no mater how small it was. "Yup, Naruto's been helping me train my speed."

Kagome, blinked. "How? He's been training me all four months."

Naruto made a shadow clone and shook his hand with a smile on his face. 'Hello me" He greeted and dispelled the clone.

Kagome stared. "Oh, I forgot about those."

He smiled and ruffled the young Kitsune's hair. "Shippou, I have a gift for you."

The little Kit looked up with wide eyes at Naruto from his perch in Kagome's arms "You, brought me something?" He asked with what appeared to be astonishment.

Naruto nodded and reached behind his back and pulled out a large dagger, that for someone of Shippous size would be considered a decent sized sword. The sheath and hilt were an identical blood red and were embroidened with a golden fox. It had been one of the few gifts he had received during his life. This one, he had gotten from Tenten, on his sixteenth birthday, just one year before they were all killed.

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