Chapter 32: Totosai

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Finals are almost done here as is this story just a few chapters left, ten at most. Anyway here's the new chap, it may be short but the finals are almost done, not exactly done yet so I still have some studying to do.


Naruto, Rin and Ah-Un looked down from the lip of the massive volcano, small pools of lava dotted the ground before them and in the center of this fiery lair was what appeared to be bones of some fish demon shaped into a hut. Naruto felt a tug at his pant leg and looked down to see Rin looking at him a little scared of the fiery landscape. "Naruto-sama. Why are we here?"

Naruto smiled. "Its okay Rin, I just came to find an old man that makes the best swords in the world."

Her eyes seemed to brighten considerably and she beamed up at him. "Naruto-sama's going to get a sword?" She screamed enthusiastically bouncing on the balls of her feet. Naruto smiled and nodded kneeling down to pick her up and place her on Ah-Un's saddle.

"Come on you two, lets see what this old man can do.

Rin nodded happily as Ah-Un seemed to grunt in agreement. Naruto placed his hands in his pockets and walked down the slope towards the old sword smiths home.


Inuyasha groaned, clutching his head as he blearily opened his amber colored eyes to sit up and look around the room. "Ohhhhh my head...what hit me?" He looked around as his eyes adjusted to the light he took in the appearance of his comrades. "You guys look like shit."

Everyone glared.

For indeed they did look like shit. Miroku's arm was wrapped in a sling, his left knee was in a form of feudal era cast and a bandage was wrapped around his head, Sango's armor was cracked and broken in several places, around her waist were several bandages wrapped tightly so that her bruised ribs didn't shift too much. Kagura was the only one who was normal, though even she winced with a few movements.

Inuyasha tried to place his hand on the ground to pick himself up sharp, piercing pain tore up his arm pulling a shocked scream of pain from him as he collapsed on his back, spreading more pain through his back, this time however he was able to bite back his scream.

His heavy breathing was loud in his ears and he faintly heard Kagura snort, "Now who looks like shit?"

He glared at the raven haired demoness "Bitch." He snarled sitting up again, this time taking care with the injuries he currently sported. He looked around, then his ears perked up and a sliver of worry could be seen in his slitted gaze. "Where's Kagome and Shipou?"

Miroku shifted slightly. "Kagome is fine she's down by the river gathering some more herbs and such, Shippou however..." He trailed off towards the end.

Inuyasha tensed. "What? Miroku...what happened to Shippou?"

"Inuyasha!" came a surprised voice from the entryway, Inuyasha looked to the door and saw Kagome looking at him with a relieved smile on her face. But Inuyasha found something odd about this picture...

Ahhh that was it, there was a fox on her shoulder...wait...why did the fox have green eyes?

"Inuyasha are you feeling all right?" Kagome asked stepping forward and kneeling next to him pulling him out of his stupor. Also interrupting him from making the obvious connections he was mere seconds away from making. (Gasp! He does have a brain beneath that hair.)

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