Chapter 15: A strange encounter

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Here we go again.


Kagura slowly awoke to the strange combination of yelling, hysterical laughter and a strange crashing of sorts. Her vision was blurry at first but as her eyes adjusted to the light she caught sight of the Inu group. The girl, Kagome, was yelling the word 'Sit' at the top of her lungs as the Hanyou, Inuyasha crashed into the dirt over and over again.

Off to the side, the rest of the Inu group was heaving with hysterical fits of laughter at the Hanyou's expense.

What…what am I doing here?' She mentally asked herself before the events of the last time she was awake returned to her. She smiled slightly at the thought of her new freedom. She soon realized however that the ninja was not with the group.

She struggled to raise herself up to a sitting position. Every bone and muscle in her body ached and burned in protest to her movements but never the less she continued to struggle.

Kagome managed to calm herself down enough to finally notice their, now conscious, guest. She looked around. No Naruto to ease the situation at the moment. Since everyone other than Shippou would most probably show open distrust and perhaps even full blown hate in Sango and Inuyasha's case. So it was up to her to appease the situation it seemed.

Kagura was startled as she felt someone helping her raise herself. She looked back up and found Kagome's chocolate brown eyes staring back at her. "You really shouldn't be moving too much." She said as Kagura finally managed to get herself upright.

The others each tensed at the sight of the now conscious wind demoness. Shippou, bounded up to Kagome and leapt up to her shoulder. Miroku, discretely slipped a few demonic suppressing seals into his hand. Sango as well slipped a kunai hidden in her sleeve into her hand.

And Inuyasha…well…Inuyasha was still face down in the ground, muffling curses to the world.

Kagura winced slightly in pain and then looked at the collective group that was staring at her.

Kagome shifted from foot to foot nervously as an awkward silence fell over them. This was just too weird. How the hell did you start a conversation with someone who, practically, up until the other day you were both trying to kill eachother? She opened her mouth to speak but Kagura cut her off.

"What do you all want from me?"

Kagome snapped her mouth shut and looked around, almost willing Naruto to show up. This was his idea damnit!

Miroku luckily decided to intervene. "Information." The monk spoke solemnly as he walked over.

"About Naraku I assume." She said as she shifted herself into a more comfortable position. "What do you want to know?" She asked. She didn't have anything to hide. She would tell them everything within her knowledge.

Sango narrowed her eyes in suspicion. "You seem awfully cooperative."

Kagura shrugged elegantly. "I always hated Naraku. He forces his subjects into a bitter slavery. Your brother, along with what I would call my younger sister Kahna follow him like zombies. With no will. Since I was the first of his incarnations I was born with free will. He corrected that mistake with Kahna and any other of his cast offs."

Inuyasha finally managed to stand up from his position on the floor. "If you hated him so much then why did you keep helping him?" He stated more than asked.

Her eyes darkened considerably. "Because the bastard could kill me whenever he damn well wanted to."

Kagome nad the others each shared glances. Hers of nervousness, Inuyasha's and Sango's of suspicion and Miroku's quiet contemplation.

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