Chapter 9: Trip to the grocery store

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Here we go again, hope you all enjoy.


"Kagome dear, could you go down to the grocery store for me?" Called Kagome's mother from the kitchen.

"Sure mom." She replied as she stood up and began looking around for some shoes to wear.

"Naruto, would you mind going with her?" She called a few seconds later.

"Sure I'll go." He directly behind the younger girl making her jump so high she nearly touched the ceiling. She turned to him with a furious glare on her face. "STOP DOING THAT!"

Naruto smiled innocently. "Doing what?" His voice was sickeningly innocent and sweet and it only frustrated Kagome even more that she knew he was smiling beneath that god forsaken mask of his.

She ground her teeth together and was about to say something when Naruto vanished in a swirl of leaves. "HEY COME ON! IT'S GETTING LATE!"

She spun around and found Naruto already waiting on the steps of the shrine with that god forsaken smile of his. Her teeth were clenched so tightly in annoyance that she could have sworn one was gonna chip.


As the two silently walked down the busy side walks of Tokyo Naruto was desperately refraining from taking to the rooftops.

There were too many people and far to many smells down on ground level.

"Are we almost there?" He asked with his usual laziness as he tried to hide his discomfort and his annoyance.

Kagome nodded. But then something caught her eye. "Hey what's this?"

Naruto followed her gaze to a large banner that said the words from god himself.

"A ramen eating contest." He said smiling. Kagome caught the strangely over gleeful expression on his face. But before she could say anything he began making his way over. "Hey wait a minute! Where are you going?"

"To sign up" He called over his shoulder making her jaw hit the floor.



Naruto held a bright smile on his face as he walked away with a full stomach and a lot of cash. He had won the contest obviously, as well as created a brand new world record for eating ramen. About 78 bowls, or was it 88? Bah he lost count.

Kagome walked beside him utterly infuriated. '98 bowls 98 bowls and I didn't see his face ONCE!' She mentally yelled.

Indeed Naruto had removed his face mask since the judges had to be sure he wasn't cheating somehow, but every time she looked the bottom half of his face was covered by the bowl he was eating.

Not only that but every time he moved to put the bowl down where she would be able to get a good look at his face someone would move in her way or someone else would yell making everyone turn their head. Or a car would screech by or a flock of birds would fly around and obscure her vision or she would blink or SOMETHING would happen to block her view.

And it was absolutely INFURIATING to see some stupid girls staring at Naruto with hearts for eyes as they left. Now the curiosity was practically killing her.

It was then that Kagome decided that she was going to get together with the Inu gang and she would find out whatever the hell was behind that GOD FORSAKEN MASK!


The two slowly approached the supermarket Kagome turned around to face him when they were just outside the exit. "Listen Naruto, you will not, I repeat NOT going to do anything that will cause people to panic scream or just generally cause chaos while we're in here. Okay?"

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