Chapter 29: Not so old anymore

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Hn, surprisingly, I got an irresistible urge to update this. Also NO Kyuubi is not just two tails she was just holding back her power Sesshomaru would barely reach her ankle if she was to go full nine tails on him.

Anyway, here's the update. Rejoice!


"And then Jaken-sama's eyes grew so big they looked would pop out of his head" Was Rin's exuberant voice as she moved her arms around excitedly trying to further emphasize her point.

Naruto chuckled as he had to steady the girl before she fell off of Ah-Un in what would no doubt be a rather painful fall.

He released her and he smiled at her beaming face, he put a single finger to his chin and assumed a thinking pose. "Hmmmmm...can you show me big his eyes were? I can't really picture it." He said fooling with her.

She nodded and cupped her eyes in her hands, forming her palms into 'O's while trying to widen her eyes as much as possible. "They were this big!" She said, Naruto couldn't help it, he burst out laughing and nearly cried tears of mirth as she blinked at him, her face the picture of confusion.

He finally calmed down and smiled at her confused expression before ruffling her hair. "You're a good girl Rin." He said, ruffling her hair as she beamed up at him.

He smiled but then a low growl rumbled through the area, Rin looked down at her stomach and blushed cutely while Naruto raised an eyebrow with an amused smile on his face.

"Well now I think someone's hungry." He said chuckling. 'Why didn't you tell me?" He asked looking at her sheepish and slightly apologetic expression.

"Ummm....Rin didn't want you to think Rin was a bu-bur." She tried to form the words she had always heard Jaken say about her but it wouldn't come.

"Burden?" He finally prodded after he caught on to what she was trying to say.

She smiled cheerfully, as if he had just made a brilliant discovery, and nodded exuberantly. "Jaken-sama always says that since Rin is a weak Nigen and that Rin is a bu-bu-."

"Burden." He said again.

"Yup." She said "To Sesshomaru-sama."

Naruto made a mental note to dismember the stupid toad when he met him. "And what does Sesshomaru say?"

She thought for a moment. "Sesshomaru-sama doesn't say anything, but Jaken sama always has something bad happen to him when he finishes saying that."

Naruto raised an eyebrow. "Like?"

"Well there was this one time that a rock hit him in the head. He usually goes to sleep when that happens. (Knocked out she just doesn't know how to say it.) Then another time a tree fell on his head. (Sesshomaru cut a branch above his head but she doesn't know how to say it...and she didn't actually see him do it.) Then another time Ah-Un stepped on him and one time..."

"Okay okay." He said waving his hands to stop her before she got carried away. He smiled and knelt down to be at eyelevel. "Well you don't have to worry about that. Your no burden. Just a cute little girl."

She beamed at him but her smile dropped as he seemed to eye her critically. She fidgeted nervously under his gaze but said nothing.

"Say Rin." He spoke calmly. "When was the last time you washed behind your ears?"

"Huh?" She blinked owlishly.

"I said...when was the last time you washed your ears?" He spoke calmly I've seen some dirty ears in my day but this..." He leaned in and seemed to grab something behind her ear, when the girl looked at his hand she saw a bright yellow flower. "Is really really bad." He said smiling at the girls astonished face. She began to furiously scratch behind her ears trying to see if there were more of the flowers back there. He smiled and laughed. That was probably the cheapest trick in the book back in Konoha, but here...heh. Just one flower and they'll go crazy.

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