Chapter 12: Interlude near the western lands

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Here ya go.

Also, classes are starting over here so updates will be less frequent.


Kagura soared high above the clouds, with a legion of yokai, behind her. Her plan was simple She would take a smaller group and attack from the front while the larger group circled around and attacked them from the rear either way, this battle could only have one of two outcomes.

One she would manage to kill, either Inuyasha, Kagome or the Ninja, thus postponing her fate. The chances were slim at best against all three of them now.

And the last, was that the fate that had long been at her heels and had been from the moment she was born would finally catch up with her.

No Kagura did not disillusion herself. The cold hard truth was this. No mater what she did today, she would die. She may succeed in killing one of the three but that would merely delay the inevitable. The three of them were necessary in order to defeat Naraku. The Miko especially, but, in reality, she and Inuyasha were the only one's she would try to defeat.

That human…no, that creature that now traveled with them was to powerful for her. He had defeated her last time without even breaking a sweat. No, that one was way out of her league.

She had to face facts. Today, was the day that marked her death.

A slow silent tear was blown away in the harsh winds above the clouds.


The Taiyokai of the west, Sesshomaru Taicho son of Inu no Taicho was currently patrolling the far eastern borders of his lands. His faithful servant Jaken, his ward Rin, and his dragon steed Ah-Un following closely behind him, when the lord suddenly stopped and turned his head facing north east.

His eyes narrowed, as his sharp eyes caught two large 'clouds' of low level yokai, one significantly larger than the other and both moving in what would be a pincer maneuver on a ground based battlefield. The slight tinge of Naraku's scent came to him and he let out a low growl of anger.

How dare that disgusting parasite dare to even encroach on his lands?

He turned his head back to Jaken and Rin, who was happily humming a tune. "Remain here." He stated.

Jaken was about to speak when just like the wind Sesshomaru was gone in a streak of white.


Naruto and the Inu-gang all walked down the dirt path, northbound. It had been so for almost a week. They would get up, break camp, walk for most of the day, make camp at sundown, sleep and then do the same thing the next day.

And Naruto was getting sick and tired of it.

Sure on the outside he held up his lazy, carefree mask, but on the inside he was like a group of elephants high on steroids and testosterone. Definitely needed to burn some energy.

He was actually willing to put them on some training for Ninja style travel, but then decided against it. That would take months.

He watched as Inuyasha walked infront of the group, with the rest of the group behind him chatting animatedly.

"Kagome-chan, come on! Just give us a small hint at least!" That was Sango's voice. Kagome however had a coy smile on her face and merely shook her head. "Uh-uh, its for me to know and for you to find out."

Miroku spoke up next. "Lady Kagome, while normally I would allow you to keep your secrets until you are ready to reveal them, this time, I must insist that you at least provide some insight as to what training you had taken with Naruto-san."

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