Chapter 7: Naruto in the future

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lets get on with the story.


Naruto leapt once and gracefully exited the well. He looked around the empty shack once before walking to the door.

As he opened the door his abnormally sharp sense of smell was assaulted by a wave of foul smells. He winced at that point he officially decided, 'The future stinks'

He closed his eyes for a moment to filter out all of the new and unpleasant scents.

After a few moments he reopened his eyes and took a good look around. A stone pathway that led to a Shrine, the Goshimboku, in the distance and what appeared to be a small shop.

He shrugged and began walking toward the shrine .

He got to the door and knocked.

"Coming!" A kid's vice, maybe it was that Souta boy.

Sure enough a few minutes later the door opened, revealing a young boy, about twelve years old with simple black hair staring up at him with curiosity.

Then...he screamed.


And so Naruto had the door slammed in his face!

"Well that wasn't very nice."

Souta felt his blood turn to ice at the sound of the voice directly behind him! Meaning that it was coming from inside the house, since he was facing the door.

He slowly turned his head and saw the six foot nothing blond haired masked man standing in the middle of his living room.

"Souta, what's going on!" Both boys turned and saw Kagome as she came down the stairs and gawked at Naruto.

The blond merely smiled his lazy smile and waved. "Surprise!"

Kagome stared at him for a few moments before she began sputtering in disbelief. "Wha-How-WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE!" She shrieked.

Naruto put on a mock hurt look and placed a hand over his heart. "My Kagome-chan, you wound me. I cannot even visit my good friend and future student?"

Kagome furiously shook her head, her raven locks flailing about and landing on her face. "Nononononononononono! You can't be here! This is the little amount of time I have to actually relax!" She walked right up to him turned him around and began pushing him out the door. "I don't know how you got through the well but I'm sending you back."

She stumbled forward as Naruto's form seemed to vanish and prepared to hit the hard ground when she felt someone grab the collar of her shirt stopping her mid fall.

Naruto smiled as he lifted her up. "Now, now, Kagome-chan, I'm staying in this time period for a few days, so either I stay here with you or walk around and cause destruction, mayhem and chaos everywhere I go. Your choice."

Kagome groaned and then in a last ditch effort tried to weasel her way out of it. "We have no room and you'd have to ask my mom."

Right on time.

"Kagome-chan, is this a friend of yours?" Naruto, Kagome and Souta turned to see a middle aged kind looking woman standing at the doorway. She was wearing an expression of genuine curiosity as she absently dried a plate with a hand towel.

Naruto smiled. "Hello!" He greeted.

smiled. "Good evening. Mr...

"Naruto." The blond ninja said bowing gracefully. "Uzumaki Naruto."

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