Chapter 6: Training is hell

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Looks like I'm back. Since I've been gone imma try to update at least twice a week. Maybe.

Also for those of you who were wondering I made that story with the dragons up myself.

Anyway lets get on with the story.


Sango groaned in pain from her place on the floor of Kaede's hut Miroku sat beside her, his hand, for once was utterly still. They were both filthy and looked like they had gone through world war three without sleeping eating and withonly two rounds of ammo and a bayonet.

Kaede looked at the two with wide eyed astonishment. She thought they had remained in the village all day. What kind of demon did they fight and how far was it? She was about to open her mouth to ask when the cloth parted, revealing Shippou who took two steps into the hut before falling face first into the ground with an audible thud.

He didn't move.

But he was still breathing. Kaede stared at the, now three, occupants owlishly.

Finally after a full minute of silence she opened her mouth to speak when Sango spoke.

"Kaede, did Kagome-chan leave either her As-pir-en or the one's that put people to sleep?" She asked with a faint groan.

Kaede blinked before looking around. "No she did not."

Sango gave what sounded like a cross between a moan of despair and a sob of misery.

Kaede finally managed to speak. "What happened to ye?"

Shippou painfully lifted a single finger and spoke, his voice muffled by the wooden floor. "Naruto's Boot camp"

Kaede blinked stupidly. "Tell me. What exactly is 'Naruto's boot camp'?

"The realm of pain and suffering."

"The tenth level of hell"

"You don't want to know?"

Was the general response of the group. Kaede blinked stupidly again.

Sango decided to elaborate. "He had us train."

That was it? They had trained and were complaining like a bunch of babies. She was about to open her mouth to speak when Miroku spoke.

"That..." He gritted out. "Was not training. That was a sadistic form of torture that he called training."

Shippou groaned.

Kaede blinked. "Just what did he have you do?"

Sango groaned. "Well with me it was."


"Ahh, Sango. So glad you could join me." Naruto said smiling his signature smile at her as he stood from his perch on a stone.

Sango looked around the clearing. "So what form of training will we be doing now?"

Sango smiled. "So glad you asked." He made a simple seal. "Kai."

Sango watched in fascination as the air in the clearing shimmered before a set of targets four on the ground and seven up on the trees and an obstacle course (which was riddled with traps she couldn't see) stood about twenty yards distance from them.

Naruto smiled as he presented her with about twenty Kunai and fourty Shuriken. "Well now. The first step in your training is quite simple. I want you to learn how to threw Shuriken." He presented the star. Throw them until you hit the ground based bulls eye five times in a row. Then learn how to throw the Kunai." He showed her the special dagger. "The same as the kunai. Your gonna keep throwing until you can hit the bulls eye five times in a row."

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