Chapter 18: Power of old

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lets get on with the story.


The next morning Inuyasha groaned as his mind returned to the conscious realm. What the hell happened. The last thing he remembered was…

Before he could think he felt two fingers go over his eyelids and pull them up. His eyes stung from the bright light, when they came into focus he could see Naruto's brightly smiling masked visage about two inches from his face. "SURPRISE!" He yelled making Inuyasha yell and jump slightly, losing his balance and crashing to the forest floor from his perch on the tree.

He let out a muffled groan of pain and lifted his head and found the rest of the group already breaking camp and packing everything. 'What the hell? I'm the one who's usually up first." He silently wondered from his place on the floor.

Naruto jumped infront of him and knelt down. "Since you seemed to be so tired we decided to let you rest. We're almost done and we'll be leaving soon."

Inuyasha didn't say anything as he stood. His head was throbbing and not just from the impact with the ground. Just what the hell had he done the other night? (Don't we all ask ourselves that question at least once)

Naruto straightened and turned back to camp in order to continue packing. He hoped Inuyasha's memory wouldn't return until he was far away from the camp. He didn't want to deal with the headache.

Kagome's aura was subdued and the events of the other day continued to play out in her mind over and over. The reasons for Kikyo's actions had shook her, more than what she even knew it. But the most glaring event was that single word. That one statement that had slipped from their blond companion. 'Such is the fate of a Jinchurriki I suppose.'

She eyed him from the corner of her eye. Her logical (at least for the moment) mind already forming connections at a rapid pace. 'Jinchuuriki, at least that's what he called himself… its not like anything I've ever heard…but he is searching for a specific demon…maybe there's a connection.'

With this thought in mind she silently picked up a bucket and turned to Sango. I'd like to go wash my face…Sango do you want to come?" She asked sweetly.

This was not a question. Whenever Kagome wanted to discuss something private with Sango and the luxury of hot springs wasn't around Kagome had developed this secret way of getting away from the men. So following proper protocol she nodded and smiled brightly at the other girl. "Sure Kagome."

"I'll come to!" Shippou said happily as he bounded up onto Kagome's shoulder.

Kagome thought for a moment before she smiled and nodded. Shippou being a demon may have some insight despite his relatively short life experience. And with his sharper hearing perhaps he could catch some more of Naruto's slip-ups.

As one the three left.


"Allright what happened Kagome?" Sango said after they were relatively far from the camp.

Kagome sighed. "Well, last night I was…ummm…talking with Naruto and he may have let something slip about his past…"

At this both Shippou and Sango's ears seemed to twitch in her direction and they leaned in to hear more. It was no secret that the secret of Naruto's past was something that everyone was beginning to find highly irritating and everyone was starting to want answers.

"Ummm, since he was looking for information on some fox demon I thought maybe it would have had something to do with that. I was thinking that at the same time you and him went back to your village to fix your weapon Sango that when he went to go look for whatever he was gonna look for in the archives that you could look up the word he let slip."

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