Chapter 17: Look underneath the underneath

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Here we go again. I hope you enjoy and Share.


Naruto stood facing the revived priestess. His gaze and features held their usual amused laziness while hers was her usual piercing coldness.

"What truth do you speak of?" She asked. The arrow she currently had notched in her bow glinted in the pale moonlight.

Naruto's eyes curved upwards in a smile before he absently turned and walked toward a nearby tree and touched its bark as if searching for something. "I had thought you dead again lady Kikyo, consumed by Naraku's miasma." It was more of a question than a statement.

The dead priestess narrowed her eyes at the ninja. "How do you know of that and what concern is it of yours?" She asked back.

"Ah ah ah I asked you first." He chided as he waged his finger from left to right, as if mocking her.

She narrowed her eyes at him and let her arrow fly. She would not indulge this foolish ninja's questions.

The pink light of her purification power cut through the darkness of the night and sailed toward its target.

To Kikyo's immense surprise however, her arrow did not pierce flesh and bone, but instead found itself easily held between two fingers from which smoke rose.

"Now, now, is that really necessary?" He chided again before dropping the arrow with a clatter of wood against earth. 'Now then, as I was saying, I'm curious as to how you survived." He said as he turned his attention to the tree again.

Kikyo narrowed her eyes at him, few people short of a mid level demon could catch an arrow with such ease. "I was attacked by Naraku in , true, but one as limited as he does not have the strength to kill me." She said.

"He seemed to have succeeded once already." Naruto said simply as he rolled his eyes to the side to meet hers, only to find hers narrowed even further in anger.

She quickly hid her anger at his comment and glared into his dull blues. "And how would one as yourself know of the events of that day. Unless one of Inuyasha's group told you, you'd have to be at least sixty to even remember that day?"

Kagome who was watching the events, from her place hidden amongst the trees, also grew suspicious. 'How, does he know that? I haven't heard him talking to Miroku, Sango or Shippou about it, he certainly hasn't asked me and Inuyasha never likes to talk about it. Could Kaede have told him?'

"Ahh that's the million dollar question isn't it? How do I know?" He said cheerily as he rounded to face her fully. "Tell you what…I'll tell you how I know if you answer my question truthfully, how's that sound?" He asked with a waggle of his eyebrows. Almost as if he was playing with a child rather than a priestess, long dead.

She looked contemplative for a moment. This ninja seemed to know much of what he shouldn't. He seemed to know about her yet she knew nothing of him. She decided that whatever question he asked her wouldn't be so bad and figuring out just how he acquired the knowledge was worth whatever risk she would take indulging him.

She slowly nodded.

Naruto's smile widened slightly. "Good, good. Now my question to you is simple. Do you hate Inuyasha?"

She narrowed her eyes at him. "Why do you ask such a thing?"

"Ah ah ah I asked first." He said again. His childish nature was truly beginning to grate on her nerves. "Now, your answer please." He said, his eyes loosing some of their mirth and gaining a slightly serious edge, even though he still held his smile.

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