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Pinkie's POV -

I was really sad that Fluttershy can't remember me and our other friends...Why did I even say our friends if she doesn't remember us ?

I sighed

So me and our...My friends are looking for Fluttershy. It was, when Fluttershy flew away from the Hospital. Why would she do that ? Especially when her hoof was sprained and her right wing also was sprained. How did she do that?

Usually, she would cry because of the pain. Who wouldn't be ?

I mean like,it was super duper insanely crazy imposible !

"Oh, I hope she's okay..." I said.

"Me too..." Twilight said.

Man, I'm tired of running !

We started running when Fluttershy left.
Fluttershy's POV -

I just left the Hospital. No wonder what happened to me.

I flew around.

I didn't know where I was.

"Why am I here ? Why am I not in Cloudsdale ?" I asked to myself.

Then I stopped when I saw a house. I'm guessing it's a cottage. It looks I already went inside there...I went inside...It was dark. Then I saw a picture it ?

Then I got scared.

" Why would this cottage have a picture of me ?" I said.

This freaks me out. I went outside and I saw a cloud above the cottage. I went to the cloud and sat on it. Then I forgot about the sprain. Then it stinged.

"Ow..." I said silently.

I gently sat as I stared at the cottage. Then I saw some Stallion going to the Cottage. Is he the owner of this house?

How the hay did that stallion got a picture of me?

I went to the stallion.

"Are you stalking me ?" I asked.

"" He said.

"Er...fine." I said as I went back to the cloud.

I think I need to have a brain surgery for thinking that stallion was stalking me...

Then I saw 5 ponies going to the cottage.

They look like those ponies I saw in the hospital.

Pinkie's POV -

"This is gonna be a long day" Applejack said as we arrived at Fluttershy's house.

"Oh my goodness ! Look at it ! Fluttershy's cottage is...totally locked ?" Rarity said.

I didn't see any animals.

That's strange...

Fluttershy's cottage was locked. As in Super Locked.

The windows got locked by a wood blocking it and the door was locked.

Then I heard Dash growled.

"I'm sorry Fluttershy but if you're in there. COME OUT !" Dash said.

Fluttershy's POV -


Somepony's gonna annoy me again by using my name.

"I guess she's not here" The Mare with a purple mane and a pink streak said.

"I'm just gonna get that wood out of my way !" The rainbow mane Mare said

I was guessing the Rainbow one was gonna break it.

Something tells me that I can't let it happen for that cottage. She was gonna aim for it when I stopped her.

They gasped.

"You better Not do that to that cottage. I'm guessing that owner of that cottage will be pretty angry at you." I said to her.

"Fluttershy...Do you remember me now ?" The rainbow maned mare said.

"For the second" I said to her.

Then I saw them all starting to cry.

I covered my ears and I closed my eyes.

My ears are gonna hurt after this....


"Guys ! P-please ! J-just..." I said.

I was getting REALLY annoyed.

"Just...STOP IT !!!" I said.

They stopped but they were still sniffing.

"Ya need to go back to the Hospital, Sugarcube." The Blonde Maned Mare said.

"Mm-hm !" The Purple maned and white.

"Yeah..." I said sarcstically while I roll my eyes.

"You need to rest there Fluttershy, So that you're Sprain will heal right away !" Twilight said.

"Soo...What if I say...I'm fine ?" Is said.

"Fluttershy, You aren't Fine. Look at you're sprain ! Does it even hurt ?" The rainbow maned said.

"I doesn't hurt, Rainbow Girl...And...What if I say I DON'T want to go there ?" I asked as I was preparing to Fly away.

"Then we'll make you !" The Pink maned Mare said.

"HA !! If you girls CAN catch me!" I said as I flew away.

Dash's  POV -

What's gotten into Fluttershy !? She isn't like her !

"FOLLOW THAT PONY !!!" Pinkie said as we started running.

She was even flying faster than me !!!

I have no idea she can do that.

I Heard Fluttershy Laughing.

We were running like 18 Minutes !!! Or even More !!!

We got tired and stopped running. We were panting because of running.

We heard Fluttershy giggling.

Fluttershy landed near us.

We were still catching our breath.

She giggled again.

"Here" Fluttershy said as she gave as 5 water bottles.

"H-how...Did you...You...were carrying that?...How...what ?" I said to her as she started giggling.

"Oh...You know, Taking a few arrangements and...Magic !" Fluttershy said.

"Wha-huh? How...can a magic ?" Twilight asked,confused.

"A clever magician never reveals her tricks..." Fluttershy said as she flew off.

We all drank the water bottle.

"Hey ! Girls ? You know...It's like she wasn't the Fluttershy I know !" Pinkie said.

"Usually, In a time like this, She should be the one like giving up already. And The flying was super fast ! And she should be like this !..." Pinkie said.

"Oh...You want to know how to do it, sure...I can help you...If you don't mind." Pinkie said imitating Fluttershy while blushing and Squee.

"Pinkie Pie...For once, Your right Fluttershy should have do that !" Rarity said.

"What happened to my Fluttershy ?" I said as I cryu silently.

The girls comforted me.

What ever happens... We will find out...

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